

烦恼皆为强出头对应英文:Troubles are out

烦恼皆因强出头,一切烦恼的来源差不多都是因为我想去改变什么什么,当然了,在不知道结果前肯定不知道产生结果后会怎样,改变结果之后带来的影响是什么样的也不知道,所以...对应英文:Trouble because of to the fore, source of all the trouble is all about because I want to change what what, of course, in do not know the result certainly don't know how to produce results, change the results after the impact is what do not know, so...

就是劝人不要强出头,多管闲事.还有不要多说闲话,搬弄是非!~不是有句俗话说的么,"出头的椽子先烂"说的就是这个道理!~对应英文:Is advising people not strong head, nosy. There are not much gossip, stir up enmity! ~ not a saying goes, "s rafter first rotten" say is this truth! ~

孤本元明杂剧˙庄周梦˙第三折是非只为多开口,烦恼皆因强出头,悔又何尤。元˙孟汉卿˙魔合罗˙第三折是非只为多开口,烦恼皆因强出头。对应英文:Yuan and Ming Dynasty, only a dream, a seventy percent off He that talks much errs much., trouble because of to the fore, regret what you. Yuan, Meng Hanqing moheluo, article seventy percent off He that talks much errs much., trouble because of to the fore.

有问题只能和忠厚老实的人商量,对不对都不要听奸诈之人的话。惹麻烦是因为多嘴,有烦恼是因为要强。对应英文:There are only and honest people to discuss, right don't listen to the deceitful man. Trouble is because talkative, trouble is because.

俗话说祸从口出,少说话多做事。凡事退一步,一山更比一山高,装疯卖傻不为过。大智若愚者为上策。低调做人,高调做事。病从心里起,健康的心态最为关键,所谓的病只不过是...对应英文:As the saying goes Out of the mouth comes evil., speak less and do more. We step back, more than one mountain mountain high, not to feign madness and act like an idiot. Still water runs deep into the best policy. A low-key man, a high-profile work. Disease from the heart, is the key to a healthy state of mind, the disease is only...

就是劝人不要强出头,多管闲事.还有不要多说闲话,搬弄是非!~不是有句俗话说的么,"出头的椽子先烂"说的就是这个道理!~对应英文:Is advising people not strong head, nosy. There are not much gossip, stir up enmity! ~ not a saying goes, "s rafter first rotten" say is this truth! ~

你要买房不要把所有精力所有感情都用在咋和上面 要知道 你为了能买房可能要烦恼要耐火很多 可能还会做一下些伤害感情不利于家庭的事情 施主 莫着急 你急也没有用 佛...对应英文:You want to buy a house not to put all their energy use in all the feelings I and above to know you in order to buy a house may have to worry to fire many might do something hurt feelings is not conducive to family matters benefactor Mo worried you did not use the buddha...

烦恼皆因强出头,悔又何尤。元˙孟汉卿˙魔合罗˙第三折是非只为多开口,烦恼皆因强出头。 这里面"是非"指的是对错,引申为纠纷、惹事生非"开口"指说话"出头"出首,...对应英文:Trouble because of to the fore, regret what you. Yuan, Meng Hanqing moheluo, article seventy percent off He that talks much errs much., trouble because of to the fore. It "is not" refers to the wrong, or dispute, be meddlesome "opening" means to speak "head" the first,...

欲知世情须尝胆,会尽人情暗点头。是非只为多开口,烦恼皆因强出头。人生七十古来稀,问君还有几春秋。莺花犹怕春光老,岂可教人枉度春。一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。...对应英文:To know the world must taste bravery, will do favor dark nod. He that talks much errs much., trouble because of to the fore. Life seventy throughout the lean, ask you several spring and autumn. Yinghua still afraid of the old spring, will teach people to be spring. Plan your year in spring an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. ...

是非只为多开口,烦恼皆因强出头对应英文:He that talks much errs much., trouble because of to the fore


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