

雨过天未晴对应英文:The rain day is not clear

一场雨,在自己很伤心地时候,终于盼到了,我尽情的在雨中沐浴,虽然朋友们都想为我遮雨,但都被我强硬的拒绝了,因为我只想尝试一下在雨中放纵的滋味。 走在她身后,看着熟...对应英文:Rain, in their very sad, finally look forward to, I enjoy the rain shower, although friends want to rain for me, but I have been tough refused, because I want to try the taste of indulgence in the rain. Walk behind her, watching the familiar...

雨过天会晴 大雨倾盆的黑夜,曾有无数希望与热情...依旧抬头等待天晴。在那个软弱委靡的王朝,国家动乱与家庭破...对应英文:After a storm comes calm It is raining cats and dogs. night, once had the innumerable hope and enthusiasm... Still looked up and wait for sunshine. In the weak dejected Dynasty, national turmoil and family broken...

一夜细雨,天空阴得几欲滴水。 在空蒙的氤氲尽处,一缕荒烟,几点残红。那绺早樱,缓缓飘入泥淖,发出零丁的叹息。偶一寒鸦点水而过,却被风中渗出的声响惊得高飞。对应英文:Night rain, overcast skies have to drop. In the misty mist as a wisp of smoke, waste, some residual red. The curl of early cherry, slowly drifting into the mud, a lonely sigh. Even a jackdaw water too, but the wind leakage sound startled fly.

《雨过天会晴》人生,只不过是人世间短短的踏足一回。但,再短的生命也拥有自己的历程,或一帆风顺,或四平八稳,或艰难坎坷……记得曾有一、人说"没有经历坎坷的人生,...对应英文:"The rain the weather will be sunny life", is only one short into the world again. But, again, a short life, also has its own history, or Everything is going smoothly., or stand stable, or rough...... I remember once a man said, "did not experience the ups and downs of life,...

然后么雨过天晴终会看到彩虹。。。所有的磨难终有尽头,苦尽甘来终会来。。对应英文:Then what After rain the sky looks blue. will see the rainbow... At the end of all the suffering will, All sufferings have their reward. will come..

我心里怪难受的,可是为了面子,始终没去道歉.一天,两天过去了,我终于受不了了,硬着头皮去找李欣,见到了她之...从此,便雨过天晴了,同时也让我懂得做人要有度量.对应英文:I felt pretty upset, but to save face, never to apologize. One day, two days later, I finally can not stand, crustily skin of head to find Li Xin, see her... From now on, we After rain the sky looks blue., also let me know how a man must have measurement

一.雨过天会晴 一夜细雨,天空阴得几欲滴水。 在空蒙的氤氲尽处,一缕荒烟,几点残红。那绺早樱,...当我们在风雨中忧郁时,不要忘了雨过天晴天际那抹能够带给你好...对应英文:A day will be fine. The rain night rain, overcast skies have to drop. In the misty mist as a wisp of smoke, waste, some residual red. The curl of early cherry,... When we melancholy in the rain, don't forget that it can bring good After rain the sky looks blue. sky...

雨过天会晴 也许前方长路漫漫,一颗有毅力的足以让你找到前进的方向。 也许前方是骤风暴雨,一颗有毅力的心... 朋友,请坚持到最后,雨过会天晴的,有毅力者见彩虹。 苏格拉底...对应英文:After a storm comes calm perhaps long way to go in front, a persevering enough to let you find the direction. Sudden storm front is perhaps the rain, a heart and perseverance... Friends, please stick to the end, and it would be sunny, there were rainbow perseverance. Socrates...

说出口的预言百发百中,然而谁也不信以为真。而且她说出的预言不知何故全是不吉利的预言--背叛,过失,人的死,国家的陷落。所以, 人们不但不相信她,还嘲笑她并憎恨她。对应英文:Say that miss, but who also not for Gospel truth. And she say that somehow is ominous predictions of betrayal, negligence, death, state collapse. So, people do not believe her, laugh at her and hated her.

雨不会一直下,我们总会等得到晴朗,人生也不会风雨满途,只要坚守住我们的梦想,有一天会看得到阳光。阳光总在风雨后,乌云上有晴空...对应英文:The rain will not always, we will be fine, life is not storm the way, just hold on to our dream, one day can see the sun. In the sunshine after the rain, dark clouds on the sky...


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