

高官不如高薪对应英文:Better paid senior officials

有句话说高官不如高薪,新薪不如高寿,高寿不如高兴. 我觉得还是有些道理的,高官虽然地位显赫,但不如有钱的可以自由支配资源.不论高官还是高薪,操心劳力不小心累了,...对应英文:There is a saying better paid senior officials, the new salary as long, long as happy. I think there is some truth, official although important, but not as rich and free resources. Whether official or paid labor, worry about accidentally tired,...

爷爷奶奶身体好,幸福生活赛晚霞。 高官不如高薪,高薪不如高兴,高兴不如高寿。对应英文:Grandpa and grandma good health, happy life at sunset. Better paid senior officials, high salary as happy, happy as longevity.

爷爷奶奶身体好,幸福生活赛晚霞。 高官不如高薪,高薪不如高兴,高兴不如高寿对应英文:Grandpa and grandma good health, happy life at sunset. Better paid senior officials, high salary as happy, happy as Gao Shou

领导人们,那一个的子子孙孙不是高官,便是大企业的一把手、二把手吧,我还未见过有那个有霉样子。 你说国家...但高薪的高官呢,他们基本上不愁食穿,要他们不贪除了教育外,...对应英文:The leaders, that a generation after generation of descendants not official, it is the number of enterprises, number two, I have not seen the mold. You said the country... But paid officials, they basically not sorrow eat wear, should they not greedy apart from the educational,...

然而,高薪是否可以养廉答案是否定的。  为什么高薪不能养廉因为只要是人类,就不同程度存在着私欲和...从一批显赫的高官落马后,历史的经验教训我们,若要人不知,除非...对应英文:However, high salary can "the answer is no.. Why not honesty paid for as long as human beings, have the varying degree exists lusts and... Fell from a batch of prominent officials, lesson our historical experience, if people do not know, unless...

不是说他一定做高官拿高薪有资产有地位有名声有面子,这些东西君子应该有,但不是有这些东西就是君子。 评价人是小人,不是说他一定没资产没地位穿不暖吃不饱没名声没面...对应英文:Not that he must do curule well paid for asset position and fame have a face, these things a gentleman should have, but not to have these things is a gentleman. Evaluation is the villain, not that he must not have assets not wear not warm not fed no name no face...

高官不如高知,高知不如高薪,高薪不如高寿,高寿不如高兴!不怕待遇低,就怕命归西,不怕挣钱少,就怕走得早! ●什么都可以不好,心情不能不好什么都可以缺乏,自信不能缺乏...对应英文:Officials as Kochi, Kochi as paid, paid as long, long as happy! Not low salary, afraid I die, not less money, they were afraid to go early! "What can not good mood not good, what can the lack of confidence, not a lack of...

人若把名利得失计算到小数点后的四位数,那要累一辈子。前年,到广东考察,一天,席间主人一句"高官不如高薪,高薪不如高寿,高寿不如高兴,每天高高兴兴、开开心心"的趣话,...对应英文:If a man bring fame and calculated after the decimal point to four digits, so tired. The year before last, the Guangdong Inspection, one day, hosts a "senior officials as paid, paid as long, long as happy, happy, happy" witticism,...

自有国家以来,高官与厚 禄联成一体,高薪官僚成为统治阶级的一个特殊阶层。年巴黎公社革命工人政权采 取了两项措施消灭了官僚特权阶层公社委员由人民普选产生,...对应英文:Since its own country, official and thick Paul together, paying bureaucrats become a special class ruling class. Paris Commune Revolution workers regime adopted two measures to eliminate the commune members of the privileged bureaucrat stratum produced by people's universal suffrage,...

八大似乎没有这个说法,有个报道啥八大银行高官高薪什么的,但是我不认为这能说明他的规模什么的。以前倒是有大上市银行,现在更多了,早前的是中国银行,工商银行,民生...对应英文:Eight did not seem to this argument, a reported what eight bank officials paid what, but I don't think this could explain his scale of what. Before there is large listed banks, now more, earlier is Chinese bank, industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the people's livelihood...


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