

树多成林对应英文:Tree forest

榕树 种中文名榕树 种拉丁名 . . 种别名 科中文名桑科 科拉丁名 属中文名榕属 属拉丁名 国内分布产台湾、浙江(南部)、福建...对应英文:Ficus species Chinese name Ficus species Latin names. For a Chinese alias name Sancho Kelading members of the Chinese name Ficus genus Latin name domestic distribution produced in Taiwan, Zhejiang (South), Fujian...

万众一心 其利断金 众志成城 风雨同舟 和衷共济 精诚团结 齐心协力 群策群力 同心协力 同舟共济 万众一心 患难与共 众志成城 齐心协力 同甘共苦 上下齐心 互相支持 万...对应英文:Million people united as one man breaking the benefits Our wills unite like a fortress. together and support each other all work together with one heart stand together through storm and stress cooperate with absolute sincerity make concerted efforts work and pull together unite in a concerted effort to pull together in times of trouble Our wills unite like a fortress. million people united as one man come with sb. share sb.'s joys and sorrows make concerted efforts...

"树多成林不怕风,线多搓绳挑千斤。"这句谚语告诉我们星多天空亮,人多力量大,只有团结一心,弱小的事物也会变得强大起来.这句话强调得是团结的重要性!!!对应英文:"Tree forest is not afraid of wind, line up a rope to pick jack. "This proverb tells us star bright sky and more, people more power, only unite, small things will become stronger and stronger. It is the importance of unity!!!

树多成林(不怕风),线多搓绳(挑千斤)。 一根筷子(容易折),一把筷子(坚如铁)对应英文:Tree forest (no wind), line up a rope (Tiao Qianjin). A chopstick (easy to fold), a pair of chopsticks (as hard as iron)

林海树成林,类似的多了。比如"书多的叫书海、花多的叫花海 什么海滚长空( )什么海树成林( ) 什么海亮晶晶( )什么海香喷喷( ) 什么海...什么海滚长空(云海 )什么海树成林...对应英文:Bayashi Miki forest, similar. Such as "book called the sea, flowers many asked Hua Hai what the sea sky (roll) what sea tree forest () () what what the sea sparkling sea (SEA) into what... What the sea rolling across the sky (Yun Hai) what sea tree forest...


人多势众、团结力量大对应英文:Overwhelm with numerical strength, unity is strength

原指一棵树不能成为一片树林,喻指一个人做事成不了大气候对应英文:Refers to the original one tree can't make a forest, Yu said that a person cannot become climate

就是说单单一个树是不可能成为一片森林的 如果帮到你,请记得采纳,(∩∩)谢谢对应英文:That is to say a single tree is unlikely to become a forest if help to you, please remember to adopt, (∩ ∩) thank you



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