

男服学堂女服嫁对应英文:Men wear school dress

"男服学堂女服嫁"是一句民间古话,其大意是男孩子只要背起书包走进学堂,女孩子只要披红挂彩出嫁了,无论他(她)原来再调皮,再倔犟,都会变得乖巧起来。 不知从何时起,这句...对应英文:"The men wear school dress to marry" is a folk saying goes to the effect that the boys, as long as the Beiqishubao into schools, girls as long as the phi hung wounded married, whether he (she) so naughty, and stubborn, will become clever. Do not know from when to rise, this sentence...

彼此爱重,岂不有趣若想着浮呢,便把面目放在何处我辈堂堂男子,谁肯把身子做顽童乎魏兄该罚东道便好。"魏... 俊卿归家来,脱了男服,还是个女人。自家想道"我久与男人做伴...对应英文:Love each other, not interesting to a float, the face where my man, who is willing to do it himself. The host is good penalty Wei elder brother. "Taka... Jun Qing home, off a man, or a woman. His thought "I long and man...


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