

路见不平拔刀助对应英文:At the sight of injustice draw help

出处及典故 出 处 宋·释道元《景德传灯录》卷二十二"师曰'路见不平,所以按剑。'" 示 例 这个是~,则是误伤人命。★元·杨显之《酷寒亭》楔子 用法作主语、谓语、...对应英文:The source and allusions from Song interpretation Daoyuan "Jingde chuandeng recorded" volume twenty-two "teacher said 'at the sight of injustice, so according to the sword. '"this is the example ~, is the fire of life. ★ yuan Yang Xianzhi "cold pavilion" wedge usage as subject, predicate,...

出处及典故  出 处 宋·释道元《景德传灯录》卷二十二"师曰'路见不平,所以按剑。'"  示 例 这个是~,则是误伤人命。★元·杨显之《酷寒亭》楔子  用法作主语...对应英文:The source and allusions from Song interpretation Daoyuan "Jingde chuandeng recorded" volume twenty-two "teacher said 'at the sight of injustice, so according to the sword. '"this is the example ~, is the fire of life. ★ yuan Yang Xianzhi "cold pavilion" wedge usage as subject...


鲁智深对应英文:Lu Zhishen

丐帮侠义 侠义之道心中有,衣食不堪又如何 路见不平拔刀助,横扫乾坤扫不平。 慕容百家书 胸中自有天...对应英文:Gai Tao chivalrous chivalrous heart, and not how at the sight of injustice can sweep sweep sword, and uneven. Murong hundred letters in its own day...

毒云萧萧满山野,定要于天同长寿。丐帮侠义 侠义之道心中有,衣食不堪又何如 路见不平拔刀助,横扫乾坤扫不平。 慕容百家书 胸中自有天下术,纵横疆场也无惧。 任君泼...对应英文:The poison cloud Xiao Xiao full mountain, must in Tiantong longevity. Gai Tao chivalrous chivalrous heart, and not you at the sight of injustice can sweep sweep sword, and uneven. Murong hundred letters in its own world of the battlefield, and no fear. Ren Junpo.

一年来,奇思妙想作文章,怜香惜玉好心情海阔天空论天下,家长里短谈人生路见不平拔刀助,横刀立马吼一声岁月倾情论坛上,叱咤风云任驰骋。快哉网络,快哉生活,快哉人生...对应英文:Come one year, your composition chapter, toward a good mood as boundless as the sea and sky on the world, small household affairs talk about life at the sight of injustice draw help, immediately Hengdao growl years portrait of the forum, all-powerful Ren gallop. Quick Zai network, Yoshiya Yoshiya life life...

经常为小事与他人发生冲突,甚至搞出人命案.但他却能够路见不平,拔刀相 助,令那些 丧尽天良的家伙们闻风丧胆.在现实生活中,虽然没有这样惊心动魄的大事发生,但"...对应英文:Often small conflict with others, and even into the murder. But he was able to help out at the sight of injustice, be utterly devoid of conscience, so that those who tremble with fear on hearing of. In real life, although no such event of be struck with fright, but"...

任务起始活动使者(盟重) 任务人群除暴安良,路见不平拔刀而起的侠士 任务宣言玛法安危,人人有责任! 难度系数★★★★ 六、友情考验 以上任务在你成长之路上每...对应英文:Task initiation activities Angel (the union re) task groups who, at the sight of injustice draw up general mission statement MafA safety, everybody has a responsibility! The difficulty coefficient ★ ★ ★ ★ six, friendship test task in the way you grow above each...

向来很有正义感,路见不平就要拔刀襄助的杉菜对于蛮横跋扈的作为看在眼里,厌在心上。但碍于的势力,一直隐忍不发。某日杉菜的同学樱子不小心触犯了道明寺,被道明寺...对应英文:Have a sense of justice, at the sight of injustice will draw help Chinese fir vegetables for arbitrary domineering as the look in the eyes, in the heart. But due to the forces, has been forbear from. One day the Chinese fir vegetables classmates yingzi accidentally offended by Tsukasa, tsukasa...


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