

钱多事如麻对应英文:Things like money

七嘴八舌 形容人多口杂。 杀人如麻 如麻象乱麻一样数不清。杀死的人多得象乱麻。形容杀的人多得数不清。...后指工作中人员过多或人多事少。 人多嘴杂 杂杂乱,多种多样...对应英文:All sorts of gossip describe many voices speaking. Commit innumerable murders as like as not mess. Kill more people like a mess. Describe the person who killed the innumerable. ... after the mean work personnel too much or people much less. Too miscellaneous disorderly, variety...

九十签.中平 壬癸 杨文广陷柳州.塞翁失马为福 崆峒城里事如麻,无事如君有几家劝汝不须勤致祷,徒劳生事苦咨叹。 【断 曰】讼和吉.求财无.婚未成.病无虞.信未至.勿他图...对应英文:The ninety sign. Zhongping nonanoic decanoic Yang Wenguang in Liuzhou. A blessing Kongtong City things as, no matter if you have several advised Ru without diligent prayer, in vain cause suffering to sigh. [off] said litigation and Ji. Wealth without. Marriage not. Disease without fear. But not his map letter...

其实这学校是女生特别多,人多事就多麻。这个无所谓。我也没真的听说女生之间有什么大的矛盾,关于女生宿舍的矛盾,全国那个宿舍没矛盾那个学校不是这样。锻炼你的人际...对应英文:In fact, this school are girls in particular, people much more ma. It does not matter. I didn't really hear what the contradiction between the contradiction about girls, girls' dormitory, the dormitory no contradictions that the school is not so. Exercise your interpersonal...

你是不是刚毕业没有那么多事儿的,那就是用来粗略统计毕业生就业率的。对应英文:You Is it right? Just graduated not so much, that is the employment rate of graduates to rough statistics.

顶多就是拿着随便翻一下. 想想看麻. 新开学了. 那么多事要做. 怎么有时间去看暑假作业. 我们每次收上去都是只翻翻的. 在上面多写点东西. 只要字迹工整. 就算错一大半...对应英文:Only with a casual look. See Ma. A new start. So much to do. I have time to see the summer homework. Every time we collected are only read. Write something in it. As long as the neat handwriting. Even if the wrong half...

换作是杀手时,凌小骨哪有命在,以前的冷血是怪物,杀人如麻,进入神捕司后,人性在他身上复归,这句话表面冷酷...赖药儿你是哪一位啊这么多事 嫣夜来他是我儿子 (全部人都...对应英文:The change is the killer, Ling bone which have life in, before is a cold-blooded monster, commit innumerable murders, into the catching department, human nature in him return, this sentence surface cold... Drug dependence, which one are you oh so much beautiful night he is my son (they all...

为富为仁,耀武扬威,一发如雷,一败如灰。一毛不拔,一钱如命,两脚一伸,干干净净。虚张声势,偷木作利,一朝现...多言多败,多事多害,多男多惧,多寿多辱。对应英文:For the rich benevolence, swagger before others, a hair like thunder, since such as ash. Too stingy to pull out a hair, stinginess, six feet under, clean. Make an empty show of strength, steal wood Lee, once now... Duoyanduobai, much more harm, many men more fear, more life much shame.

我也过敏性体质,过敏原只要找到,就没那么多事儿平时该怎样怎样,只是觉得嘴唇微麻或皮肤起小红点时要及时止住对应英文:I'm allergic constitution, allergen just find, is not so much the usual anyway, just think lip tingling or skin red dot should be promptly stopped

你果杂癫东婆------你这个傻瓜婆 你果杂秧怪婆------指多事的女人 你精杂得要死------你这个人太斤斤计较 半路婆------专指离了婚的女人 五五呆呆------脑子不清白 嘎衣...对应英文:You mixed fruit with East Po, you fool. You mixed fruit seedling strange woman as an eventful woman you fine miscellaneous to death, you're halfway po - square accounts in every detail to divorced woman five five daft, mind not innocent ga...

对其经济、社会地位动摇很大,怎料中原多事,战乱频仍,世族再次播迁,"三川北虏乱如麻,四海南奔似永嘉。"经济利益丧失殆尽不论,就是社会地位亦逐渐沦替。黄巢起义初驰骋...对应英文:Great shake on the economic, social status, how much the frequent wars, Central Plains, family again moved, "San Chuan Bei Lu tangled, Sihai Lamphun like Yongjia. "Economic interests lost regardless of social status, is also gradually reduced for. Huang Chao uprising early gallop...


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