

根壮树茂对应英文:The root of Zhuang Shu Mao

修剪总的原则是剪除病虫枝、细弱枝,疏除平行校、过密枝、内向枝,去直留斜,弱树弱校强剪,壮树壮枝轻剪。当然具体修剪方法还应视品种造型而区别对待。 ①丛植栽培的月季...对应英文:Trim the general principle is cut off pest branches, thin branches, thinning parallel alignment, dense branches, branches within, to stay straight oblique, weak strong shear weak tree school, Zhuang Zhuang tree branches light shear. Of course, the pruning method should also be considered varieties of other differential treatment. The bushes planted roses...


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