

林大风渐弱对应英文:Lin Dafeng a

发现缺苗死苗要及时补上,保证当年造林成活率。在栽植的头几个月里,在大风大雨后要及时查苗看穴,如苗木被冲压,被风刮倒,应及时扶正,被大雨冲毁的穴要及时修好。 、...对应英文:Find missing seedling seedling death to fill in time, ensure the survival rate of afforestation. In the first few months of planting seedlings, to check in a timely manner at the points in the wind and rain, such as seedling is punched, blown by wind, should be timely Fuzheng, was washed out by the heavy rain point must be promptly repaired. ,...

忽然一阵大风卷过,雨势渐弱至无,从望湖楼上放眼望去,远处水天相接,使人顿生心旷神怡之感。对应英文:Suddenly a gust of wind swept through, the rain fade to nothing, from the lake floor looking ahead, the distant horizon, people Dunsheng feel fresh feeling.

、幼果期遇大风、高温天气,也会导致葡萄裂果。 、使用乙烯利、脱落酸等催熟剂,如果喷施的农药浓度过高,或过早喷药,也常导致葡萄裂果。 防止葡萄裂果的措施 、防止...对应英文:The young fruit period, windy, hot weather, can also cause grape fruit. Ethylene, abscisic acid, using ripener spraying pesticide, if the concentration is too high, or premature spray, often lead to grape fruit. To prevent the grape cracking, prevent measures...

沿海地区常有大风、台风袭击,择地建园需加防范。     (五)地势与土壤     山地的南向和东南向平缓中下坡,土层深厚,水分充足,冷空气不易积聚,最适宜枇杷种植,...对应英文:There are often strong winds, the typhoon hit the coastal areas, the choice of construction and prevention. (five) the terrain and soil mountain south and southeast to the gentle downhill, deep soil, adequate water, cold air is not easy to accumulate, the most suitable for loquat planting,...

一般大多数人都是对杉树花粉过敏,树龄超过年的杉树的花粉越发的多,在电视里可以看到当大风刮过杉树林时,花粉像下雪一样的飞舞。二是人的体质的问题,体质弱的活过敏...对应英文:In general most people are allergic to cedar pollen, tree age more than years of pine pollen is more many, the TV can be seen when the wind blew the fir trees, pollen like snow dance. Two is the person's physical problems, weak physical activity allergy...

不耐寒,不耐旱,不耐涝,怕大风,怕粘土,盐碱地,适于在年平均气温℃~℃的地区栽培。豫南、皖北等地试栽经验证明,气温高于℃时,大樱桃往往开花多坐果少。栽种大樱桃...对应英文:Not cold resistant, not drought, not afraid of wind, afraid of waterlogging, clay, saline alkali soil, suitable for cultivation in the annual average temperature of ~ C area. South of Henan, Anhui and other trial planting experience proves, the temperature is higher than ℃, cherry blossom more fruit and less often. Planting cherry...

.种植防风林。因造林地选择不当,受大风影响造成八角落花落果的地方,必须在迎风面种植防风林,树种可选用马占相思、米老排等。 .病虫害防治。八角的主要病虫害有八角...对应英文:Planting windbreaks. Due to improper selection of plantation, affected by strong winds caused the Star Flower Drop place, must plant windbreaks in windward, trees can choose Acacia mangium, Mi Lao etc.. Pest control. The main diseases and insect pests have star anise...

因此土壤常常成为动物的极好隐蔽所,在土壤中可以躲避高温、干燥、大风和阳光直射。由于在土壤中运动要比大气中和水中困难得多,所以除了少数动物(如蚯蚓、鼹鼠、竹鼠和...对应英文:So the soil often become an animal shelter, in the soil can avoid high temperature, dry, windy and direct sunlight. Because the movement in the soil than in the atmosphere and water is much more difficult, so in addition to a small number of animal (such as earthworms, moles, Rhizomys and...

.风  樱桃的根系一般比较浅,抗风能力差。严冬早春大风易造成枝条抽干,花芽受冻花期大风易吹干柱头粘液,影响昆虫授粉夏秋季台风,会造成枝折树倒,造成更大的损...对应英文:The wind. Cherry root generally shallow, wind resistant ability. Winter spring winds easily shoot stem, flower bud cold wind to dry flower stigma mucus, effect of insect pollination in summer and autumn typhoon, will cause the branch folding tree down, causing a greater loss...

如果树苗有根癌病,将引起更严重的后果。 .风 樱桃的根系一般比较浅,抗风能力差。严冬早春大风易造成枝条抽干,花芽受冻花期大风易吹干柱头粘液,影响昆虫授粉夏秋季...对应英文:If seedlings with root cancer, will cause more serious consequences. The wind. Cherry root generally shallow, wind resistant ability. Winter spring winds easily shoot stem, flower bud cold wind to dry flower stigma mucus, effect of insect pollination in summer and autumn...


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