

林大风自息对应英文:Lin Dafeng ever since

拂林花乱彩,响谷鸟分声。 披云罗影散,泛水织文生。劳歌大风曲,威加四海清。 咏风 唐虞世南 逐舞飘轻袖,传歌共绕梁。 动枝生乱影,吹花送远香。对应英文:Fu Lin spent out of color, sound Valley birds sound. Phi cloud dispersion, flashing fabric vincent. Lao song wind song, Vegas four Hai Qing. Ode to the wind Tang Yushinan by floating light sleeve dance, folk song is linger. Dynamic branches shadows, blowing flowers fragrance.

大风起兮云飞扬,威加海内兮归故乡。安得猛士兮守四方! 解落三秋叶,能开二月花。过江千尺浪,入竹万竿斜。 ... 杨花惊满路,面市忽狂风。骤下摇兰叶,轻飞集竹丛。 东冈竹千...对应英文:Since fresh gale Yun, I come to my native lan. Avenues radiate from the square! Autumn leaves three charged solution, able to spend in February. The river thousand feet waves, the bamboo pole million cable. Yang Hua Jing... Full of road, the market and the wind. The lower rocker leaf, light fly set bamboo grove. Donggang bamboo thousand...

子瞻每至其下,辄睥睨终日。一旦大风雷雨,拔去其一,斥其所据,亭得以广。子瞻与客入山视之,笑曰"兹欲以成吾亭邪"遂相与营之。亭成,而西山之胜始具。子瞻于是最...对应英文:Zi Chan each to its, then one day. Once the thunderstorm, unplug one, denounced the according to wide, pavilion. Zi Chan and Ke mountain view, smiled and said "I want to become my Ting Xie" Sui and camp. Ting, and the victory was out. Zi Chan and the...

其旁古木数十,其大皆百围千尺,不可加以斤斧。子瞻每至其下,辄睥睨终日。一旦大风雷雨,拔去其一,斥其所据,亭得以广。子瞻与客入山视之,笑曰"兹欲以成吾亭耶!"遂相与营...对应英文:The next to the ancient wood dozens of, the hundred thousand feet all around, can not be hatchet. Zi Chan each to its, then one day. Once the thunderstorm, unplug one, denounced the according to wide, pavilion. Zi Chan and Ke mountain view, smiled and said "I want to become my booth!" then and camp...

子瞻每至其下,辄睥睨终日。一旦大风雷雨,拔去其一,斥其所据,亭得以广。子瞻与客入山视之,笑曰"兹欲以成吾...一天,来了一阵暴风雷雨,其中一棵古木被连根拔倒,子瞻趁机将...对应英文:Zi Chan each to its, then one day. Once the thunderstorm, unplug one, denounced the according to wide, pavilion. Zi Chan and Ke mountain view, smiled and said "I want to become my... One day, came a burst of thunderstorms, one of the ancient wood has been torn down, Zi Chan took the opportunity to...

子瞻每至其下,辄睥睨终日。一旦大风雷雨,拔去其一,斥其所据,亭得以广。子瞻与客入山视之,笑曰"兹...一天,来了一阵暴风雷雨,其中一棵古木被连根拔倒,子瞻趁机将那...对应英文:Zi Chan each to its, then one day. Once the thunderstorm, unplug one, denounced the according to wide, pavilion. Zi Chan and Ke mountain view, smiled and said "we... One day, came a burst of thunderstorms, one of the ancient wood has been torn down, son looks forward to the...

杨素《出塞》 冠军临瀚海,长平翼大风。云横虎落阵,气抱龙城虹。 横行万里外,胡运百年穷。兵寝星芒落,战解月轮空。 严刁息夜斗,辛角罢鸣弓。北风嘶朔马,胡霜切塞鸿。 ...对应英文:"Yang Su ChuSai" champion Lin vast, flat wing wind. Yun Heng tiger falls array, gas hold long Cheng hong. With thousands of miles away, Hu Yun hundred years of poor. The soldiers went astral drop, war solution month bye. Yan Diao information night fight, Xin Ming bow angle. The north wind whinny Shuo Ma, Huw Shuang Che Jose Hong. ...

他动怒时,会用三叉戟拍打海面,这样就会引起狂风。希腊人为讨得海神的喜欢,就在最危险的峭壁上,建立了宏伟...天气突然变了,天空黑云翻滚,大风骤起,巨浪翻涌,雷雨交加,正在...对应英文:He was angry, will pat the sea with his trident, causing wind. Greeks love for the sea, and in the most dangerous cliffs, built the majestic... The weather changed suddenly, the sky dark clouds rolling, began to blow a gale, waves surging, thunderstorms, are...

(《敕勒歌》) 大风起兮云飞扬 杨柳岸,晓风残月 吹面不寒杨柳风 风急天高猿啸哀 风吹草低见牛羊 春风不度玉... 杨花惊满路,面市忽狂风。骤下摇兰叶,轻飞集竹丛。 东冈竹千...对应英文:("folk song") since fresh gale Yun willow shore, the morning breeze and the lingering moon face is not blowing cold wind in the willows wind sky ape Xiao sad wind and low grass see cattle and sheep not spring of jade... Yang was full of road, the market and the wind. The lower rocker leaf, light fly set bamboo grove. Donggang bamboo thousand...

大风吹倒梧桐树,自有旁人说短长 (宋·赵师睾)   大风起兮云飞扬 (汉·刘邦) 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物 (宋·苏轼)   大江之南风景殊,杭州西湖天下无 (明·刘基)  ...对应英文:The wind blew down the Indus tree, its own people that short (Song Dynasty Zhao Shigao) since fresh gale Yun (Han Liu Bang) The mighty river flows eastward., wave washes, the truly great men (Song Dynasty Su Shi) the South River Jing Shu, Hangzhou West Lake world without (Ming Liu Ji)...


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