

林大风如堵对应英文:Forest wind such as blocking

心脏病猝死的发病率较高,尤以月份至次年月份这段时间为甚,特别是在连续低温、阴雨和大风天气,急性心梗发病率显著增高,四五十岁的壮年人,更应该加倍注意。 隆冬季节...对应英文:Sudden cardiac morbidity, especially in the month to month this time as well, especially the weather in the continuous low temperature, rain and wind, acute myocardial infarction incidence was significantly higher, forty or fifty year-old man, should pay more attention to. The middle of winter...

大风/野象小姐 〔夏天不倒塌.〕 . 暴雨似乎永不停歇。雷一轰隆,雨便迅猛地哗啦啦了。 这个夏天,被雨水涨得鼓鼓囊囊。 . 由于暴雨天气的缘故,大家都懒得走出教学楼,...对应英文:The wind / wild elephant miss (summer not collapse.) storm seemingly unstoppable. Thunder thunder, rain and rapid clatter. This summer, rain up bulging. . due to heavy rain weather, you are too lazy to go out of the teaching building,...

我建议你先找一下进蚊子的地方,我家去年也是全是蚊子,气得把窗户缝都堵上了,还是进,直到今年才发现原来开窗户的方法不对,我家是平推的窗户,如果你开的方法不对,是可以...对应英文:I suggest you look for a place in the mosquito, my last year was full of mosquitoes, gas have to window slits were shut off, or go, until this year not only to find that the original method of opening the window, my house is the horizontal sliding window, if not for you, is it...

你来,无论多大风多大雨,我都会去接你。 我爱你,爱了整整一个曾经。 每件事最后都会是好事。如果不是好事,说明还没到最后。要这样相信着。 ...对应英文:You, no matter how difficult it is, I will pick you up. I love you, love for an once. Everything will be good. If is not good, it is not the end. To believe. ...

黑风暴沙尘暴的一种,大风扬起的沙子形成一堵沙墙,所过之处能见度几乎为零世纪以来,大批移民来到美国西部平原,滥垦滥伐,导致了世纪年代的次黑风暴。年月...对应英文:A black storm sandstorm, the onset of sand to form a wall of sand, since the place visited visibility is almost zeroth Century, large numbers of immigrants who came to the America western plains, deforestation, resulted in a century's time black storm. Years.

俗称"黑风",沙尘暴的一种,大风扬起的沙子形成一堵沙墙,所过之处能见度几乎为零。它是强风、浓密度沙尘混合的灾害性天气现象。强风是启动力,具有丰富沙尘源的荒漠是构...对应英文:Commonly known as "black", a sandstorm, the onset of sand to form a wall of sand, the place visited zero visibility. It is disastrous weather phenomenon of strong winds, dust mixed density. Strong winds are starting force, has a rich source of sand and dust of the desert is...

馀悉除去秦法。诸吏人皆案堵如故。凡吾所以来,为父老除害,非有所侵暴,无恐!且吾所以还军霸上,待诸侯至而定..."酒酣,高祖击筑,自为歌诗曰"大风起兮云飞扬,威加海内兮归故...对应英文:Rest with removal of Qin law. The officials who are blocking or case. That which I have for the elders, pesticides, non has invaded the storm, without fear! And I also on the army, the princes to... "A big, Emperor building hit, since the Song said" since fresh gale Yun LAN, I come to the...

黑风暴风暴是一种强沙尘暴,俗称"黑风",沙尘暴的一种,大风扬起的沙子形成一堵沙墙,所过之处能见度几乎为零。它是强风、浓密度沙尘混合的灾害性天气现象。强风是启动力...对应英文:Black storm is a kind of strong sandstorm, commonly known as "black", a sandstorm, the onset of sand to form a wall of sand, the place visited zero visibility. It is disastrous weather phenomenon of strong winds, dust mixed density. The strong wind is the starting force...

黑风暴沙尘暴的一种,大风扬起的沙子形成一堵沙墙,所过之处能见度几乎为零 世纪以来,大批移民来到美国西部平原,滥垦滥伐,导致了世纪年代的次黑风暴。年月...对应英文:A black storm sandstorm, the onset of sand to form a wall of sand, since the place visited visibility is almost zeroth Century, large numbers of immigrants who came to the America western plains, deforestation, resulted in a century's time black storm. Years.

只在开头交代了--"我猛然惊醒,身后的现代生活背景悄然退去,阳光灿烂,照耀着三十多年前那堵枯黄的土墙",而第三层时间里的故事则只出现在"马"的讲述中。 按照这个时间线...对应英文:Only at the beginning of account of the wake - "I suddenly, quietly receded, the background of modern life behind the sun, shining on the more than 30 years ago that wall yellow wall", and the third layer is the time the story only appears in the "horse" story. According to the time line...


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