

物干风燥火易生对应英文:Dry wind dryness easily

血瘀常导致肤色口唇晦暗、皮肤毛发干燥血热则导致皮肤油腻粗糙、易生痤疮,这些气血两虚的问题给女人的面子问题带来了很大的影响。 由于气候变化与生理特征,部分人会...对应英文:Blood stasis often causes the skin color dull, skin hair dry lips blood to oily skin rough, acne prone, brought a great impact on these two blood deficiency problems to face the problem of women. Due to climate change and physiological characteristics, some people will...

导致败坏的因素有物理损伤、化学腐蚀,生物破坏。作品的收藏保护,是针对这些有害因素,采用积极有效的预防措...取其润泽不枯,如遇风燥烈,不可出玩,防损裂。其色红如琥珀者...对应英文:Cause damage factors for any physical damage, chemical corrosion, biological damage. On protection of the works, according to these harmful factors, the prevention measures of the... Effective moist not dry, such as the case of wind Zaolie, not out of play, and crack. The color such as red or amber...

选对饮食对抗你的头皮屑 蔬菜粥适用"血虚风燥型" 材料菠菜克、大米克 做法将菠菜洗净,煮去涩味,切...灰尘多,发质干燥的人头屑更多。头屑为头皮新陈代谢产物,大致...对应英文:Selection of diet against your dandruff vegetable porridge for "blood deficiency and wind dryness" material spinach grams, rice gram will wash spinach, boiled to astringency, cut... Dust, hair dry antidandruff more. Dandruff scalp The new supersedes the old. product, roughly...

空调的暖湿风和冷风都可成为脱发和白发的原因,空气过于干燥或湿度过大对保护头发都不利。 建议染发、烫发...中医学认为本病有两种原因一是血热风燥,血热偏胜,耗伤阴血...对应英文:The warm wet wind of air conditioning and air cooling can become the cause of hair loss and hair, the air is too dry or humidity is too big to protect the hair. Suggestions Hair Coloring, perm... Traditional Chinese medicine believes that this disease has two kinds of reason is blood heat, blood heat partial Sheng, Haoshang yinxue...

选对饮食对抗你的头皮屑 蔬菜粥适用"血虚风燥型" 材料菠菜克、大米克 做法将菠菜洗净,煮去涩味,切段备用。再将白米淘净,放入锅内,加上适量的水熬至米熟汤稠,...对应英文:Selection of diet against your dandruff vegetable porridge for "blood deficiency and wind dryness" material spinach grams, rice gram will wash spinach, boiled to astringency, cut the spare. Amoy rice and then the net, into the pot, add appropriate amount of water to boil the m thick soup cooked,...

蔬菜粥适用"血虚风燥型" 材料菠菜克、大米克 做法将菠菜洗净,煮去涩味,切段备用。再将白米淘净,放入...灰尘多,发质干燥的人头屑更多。头屑为头皮新陈代谢产物,大致...对应英文:Vegetable porridge for "blood deficiency and wind dryness" material spinach grams, rice gram will wash spinach, boiled to astringency, cut the spare. The rice Amoy net, add... Dust, hair dry antidandruff more. Dandruff scalp The new supersedes the old. product, roughly...

治宜清热祛湿,凉血解毒。()血虚风燥型病情反复发作,皮损肥厚干燥,有鳞屑,或呈苔癣样变,瘙痒剧烈,有抓痕及结痂,舌淡红、苔薄,脉弦细数。治宜清热祛风、养血润燥。...对应英文:Expelling dampness, cooling blood detoxification. () recurrent blood deficiency and wind dryness condition, skin lesions of hypertrophic dry, scaly, or was moss like change, severe itching, scratch and crusted, pale tongue, thin fur, pulse string breakdown. Appropriate treatment for clearing heat and expelling wind, nourishing and moistening dryness. ...

口燥咽干、手足心热、体形偏瘦、鼻微干,喜冷饮,大便干燥,舌红少津,脉细数、易患虚劳、失精、失眠等病,耐冬...苔黄腻等湿热表现为主要特征,易生痤疮,口苦口干,身重困倦,...对应英文:Dry mouth and throat, hand foot heart heat, lean, nose slightly dry, like cold, dry stool, mamillata Shaojin, thready pulse, susceptible to Xulao, loss of precision, insomnia and other diseases, Naidong... Yellow greasy moss damp performance as the main feature, prone to acne, mouth pain, dry mouth, heavy body sleepy,...

秋季皮肤受到空气中风燥之气的侵袭,容易失去了津液的滋润营养而发痒  ●可通过涂搽护肤品,并吃一些生津...燥所致,因为风盛容易干燥,燥盛容易生风,风燥相济,使得暴露在...对应英文:Autumn skin by wind dryness of the gas invasion, easy to lose the body fluid of nourishing and itching ● by applying skin care products, and eat some fluid... Caused by dryness, because wind and easy to dry, dry Sheng easy wind, wind dryness with mercy, so exposed...

加之风善行而数变,易生燥伤津,津伤则皮肤失荣。皮肤失荣、失养,必将致病,表现为皮肤出现丘疹、红斑、大量脱屑,伴瘙痒。根据辩证施治的原则,张西山重点采用行气、活血...对应英文:Combined with the wind swift and changeable, prone to dryness in Tianjin, Tianjin wound skin lost glory. Loss of wing skin, dystrophy, will disease, manifested as skin papules, erythema, a large number of scaling, accompanied by itching. According to the dialectical principle, Zhang Qi, promoting blood circulation by Xishan key...


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