

风干物燥火易起对应英文:Dry matter fire prone

一般来说,风干物燥的物理现象是蒸发。注意熟练掌握加快蒸发的三个条件。对应英文:In general, the physical phenomenon is dry is evaporation. Pay attention to master the three conditions to speed up the evaporation.

风干物燥从字面理解是这个,至于,为什么个都能搜到,我想是因为有人把这两个都打上,搜索过,网页就都有了对应英文:Dry literally is this, but, why one can search to, I think it's because people took the two play, search, Webpage will have

还有一定防病治病的作用。鱼的白质含量高达、%,还含有钙、铁、脂肪、维生素,营养物质的含量非常丰富。豆腐作为食药兼备的食品,具有益气补虚的作用,钙的含量也非常...对应英文:There must prevent and cure diseases. White matter content of the fish up to,%, also contains calcium, iron, fat, vitamin, nutrient content is very rich. Bean curd food as both food and medicine, Qi tonic, calcium content is very...

早晨洁面和护肤后涂抹防晒乳(晚间须首先卸妆)即可有效缓解肌肤干燥,唇膏用一般的可以,增加涂抹次数,薄薄一层以双唇按摩即可。对应英文:The morning after cleansing and skin smear sunscreen (night must be remover) can effectively relieve dry skin, lipstick in general can, to increase the number of smear, a thin layer of the lips massage.

秋冬季节,风干物燥,火患就隐藏在我们身边.如果人们的安全防范意识稍微低一些,就有可能引发起火灾,造成人间惨剧。所以我们要记住教训,防患于未然.。火灾,一切皆有可能...对应英文:Fall and winter seasons, dry, fire hidden in us. If people's sense of security to prevent slightly lower, it is possible to cause fires, causing human tragedy. So we have to remember the lessons learned, nip in the bud. Fire, everything is possible...

此外,秋季的皮肤护理也很重要,除了使用市售的保湿乳液之外还要注意营养,多摄取高蛋白的食物,及综合维生素的补充,尤其以维生素对于抗老化作用更明显。 本人医学硕士,...对应英文:In addition, the fall of skin care is also very important, in addition to moisturizing emulsion using commercially available should pay attention to nutrition, eat a high protein diet, supplement and vitamins, especially vitamin for anti-aging effect more obvious. I am master of medicine,...

气候多变化,乍暖还寒,且风干物燥,是诱发火灾的因素,一旦发生火灾容易扩大蔓延,造成不测。人们春季防火要做...防止未熄灭的烟头、火柴梗引起火灾。尤其是农村中的芦苇田...对应英文:Climate change, cold, and dry, causes the fire, once the fire is easy to spread, caused the accident. People spring fire to do... Prevent not extinguish the cigarette butts, matchstick cause fire. Especially in the rural areas of reed field...

清明节扫墓期间,风干物燥,容易发生火灾。扫墓时我们应告诫父母,不烧纸钱,不烧香。见到上坟的人要烧纸钱、烧香时,我们要去劝阻。告诉他们对祖先的祭奠,压上几张纸钱,...对应英文:During the Qingming Festival sweep the tombs, dry, fire prone. Sweep the tombs we should warn parents, does not burn, do not burn incense. See the grave to burn paper money, incense, we want to discourage. Tell them to hold a memorial ceremony for the ancestors, pressure on a few pieces of paper money,...

选出田中鲤鱼,从背部剖开去掉内脏和鳃。将剖好的鱼用盐腌一周后取出风干至~成干,然后切成厘米左右的小块用茶油煎至黄色,取出凉后加入生姜、辣椒、五香粉、大蒜等...对应英文:Select the field of carp, remove the viscera and gills from the back cut open. Will cut good fish with dried to a dry salting out. After a week, and then cut into 5cm pieces of tea seed oil for frying to yellow, remove to cool add ginger, pepper, five spice powder, garlic etc....

你能说出四个与气象有关的成语吗风干物燥、风雨交加、温暖如春、电闪雷鸣、春意盎然。   .大气的主要成分是什么氮、氧、氩、二氧化碳和水汽    .什么叫逆温...对应英文:Can you name four weather related idioms do dry, It's raining and blowing hard., as warm as in spring, -- lose one's temper, Spring is in the air. The main composition of the atmosphere. What is the nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide and water vapor. What is called inversion...


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