

有毛不算秃对应英文:Hair is not bald

头上只有一根毛算不算秃这句话是意思就是在文字表面了判断决定一件事务,是严格依赖公式定义,还是靠人之常理 主要看这句话用在什么场合,它应该是通常作为反语使用的...对应英文:Only a hair on the head is not bald this sentence means in the text surface determined a transaction, is strictly dependent formula definition, or by the common sense of people mainly used in this sentence what occasions, it is usually used as irony...

这应该是系统问题,先刷新多几次,无效的话就到贴吧意见反馈吧反馈!!!对应英文:This should be a system problem, first update several times, fails to Post Bar feedback. Feedback!!!

处理患处 先清理生了癣的部位,把皮屑擦掉。然后把生了癣的部位的毛剪掉,一来可以让药更直接渗透到皮肤里,二来避免真菌扩散。然后就涂药,涂药的范围略大于生癣的范围,...对应英文:Treatment of affected part to clean the parts of the skin tinea, wipe. And then cut off the hair had ringworm of the site, to allow the drug more directly penetrate into the skin, and prevent fungal diffusion. Then the applicator, applicator is slightly larger than the range of the scope of ringworm,...

以帮到你 第一步处理患处   先清理生了癣的部位,把皮屑擦掉。然后把生了癣的部位的毛剪掉,一来可以让药更直接渗透到皮肤里,二来避免真菌扩散。然后就涂药,涂药的范...对应英文:To help you step in affected part to clean the parts of the skin tinea, wipe. And then cut off the hair had ringworm of the site, to allow the drug more directly penetrate into the skin, and prevent fungal diffusion. Then the applicator, applicator...

你可以加,他是位宠物医生,人蛮好的,他会回答你的对应英文:You can add, he is a pet doctor, who just fine, he will answer you

是皮肤病,我家狗狗小时候得过,头顶秃了一小块,后来到医院拿了药水,每天涂两遍药,有点痛,很快就好了。因为时间很长忘了药名了。对应英文:Is the skin disease, my dog too young, a small bald, and later to the hospital took the medicine, daily two coats of medicine, a little pain, very quickly. Because time is long forgotten the name of the drug.

看看是不是皮肤和其他地方的不太一样,如果是可能是皮肤有问题,把那块掉毛的地方的毛清理下,然后用双氧水或者酒精消毒~过段时间慢慢会好的~对应英文:Have a look Is it right? Skin and other places are not the same, if is possible is a skin problem, the piece of hair place hair clean, and then use hydrogen peroxide or alcohol disinfection, over time will slowly good

如题对应英文:Such as the title

你和卖家之前没有说明什么情况属于质量问题的话就不能退货了,你可以问他到底什么情况才算是质量问题.如果他坚持不退货的话就去支付宝反映,也可以投诉他.不过下次记得...对应英文:Before you and the seller did not specify what belongs to the quality problems would not return, you can ask him what is the quality problem. If he insisted not to return it to pay treasure to reflect, can also complaints about him. But next time, remember...

根据你说的情况,确实它后背是有皮肤病了,带它去宠物医院看看吧,开点药膏抹抹就好,想让狗狗强壮得让它吃肉和骨头啊,光吃狗粮不行的,我家狗狗满月后就吃牛肝,喝牛奶。吃...对应英文:The condition that says according to you, does it back is a skin disease, take it to the pet hospital, have a look, some cream mama is good, want to let the dog is strong and let it eat meat and bones, eat light food no, my dog after the full moon and eat beef liver, milk. Eat...


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