

俏眼扮给瞎子看对应英文:As to the blind see Qiao eyes

明白 靛蓝染白布 一物降一物 丢了东西打瞎子算卦 闹了个白瞪眼 东方天亮下大雪 明明白白明白 洞庭湖里捞...对哑巴说话 白费口舌 对着瞎子打俏眼 白费劲枉费工白费工夫...对应英文:Understand the indigo dyeing cloth yiwujiangyiwu lost something at the blind fortune teller made a white glare Oriental dawn snow as clear as noonday see Dongting Lake fishing... The mute speak in vain to blind eye in vain to tease labor in vain...

瞎子背瘸子目的沟通配合能力,活跃气氛游戏规则当场选六名员工,三男三女,男生背女生,男生当"瞎子",用纱巾蒙住眼睛,女生扮"瘸子",为"瞎子"指引路,绕过路障,达到终点,...对应英文:The purpose of communication with the blind back ability, active atmosphere the rules of the game were selected six employees, three men and three women, boys and girls boys back, when the "blind", blindfolded with a scarf, the girls as "lame", as the "blind" guide road, bypassing the barricades, reach the end,...

瞎子背瘸子 目的沟通配合能力,活跃气氛 游戏规则当场选六名员工,三男三女,男生背女生,男生当"瞎子",用纱...或者绕口令,或者盲人摸象,还有轮流说广告词,谁说不出就出节目...对应英文:The purpose of communication with the blind back ability, active atmosphere the rules of the game were selected six employees, three men and three women, boys and girls boys back, when the "blind", yarn... Or tongue twisters, or on the basis of one-sided viewpoint, and rotation of said advertising words, who can't say it shows...

速配成功的到另一边,一直速配到足够的人数.参与游戏仙女引路 男士当"瞎子",用纱巾蒙住眼睛,女士扮"瘸子",为"瞎子"指引路,绕过路障,达到终点,最早到达者,为赢。其中路...对应英文:Speed dating success to the other side, has been fast enough numbers. In the game the fairy guide men as "blind", blindfolded with a scarf, woman as "lame", as the "blind" guide road, bypassing the barricades, reached the destination, the earliest arrival, to win. The road...

《宠盲妻》(耽美)《烈火如歌》(古装)《哑巴王爷俏王妃》(古装)《盲妃十六岁》(古装)对应英文:"Pet blind wife" (Dan Mei) "the song" ("the dumb Prince and Princess Costume)" ("the blind Princess Costume) sixteen" (Fashion)

碰一鼻子灰对着镜子扮鬼脸--自己丑化自己对着镜子瞪眼--只恨自己对着镜子发脾气--自己跟自己过不去对着镜...气对着王八批乌龟--正对号对着瞎子打俏眼--白费劲枉费工...对应英文:Meet rejection makes faces in the mirror -- they vilify their own mirror stared -- only hate yourself in the mirror temper -- not pass with oneself to the mirror... Gas to bastard Turtle - positive mark to batch blind play Qiao eye -- in vain to work...

、大瞎话  由一人蒙上眼睛扮"瞎子",坐在"瞎子"左侧的人开始不断的指在座的每一个人。当他指向其中的人和一个人,就问"...对应英文:The big lie, a blindfolded as "blind", sitting in the "blind" on the left side of the people began to refer to each one of you. When he pointed to one person and a person, asked"...

像个瞎子一般视而不见。 像个聋子一般不闻不问。 像个哑巴一般一声不吭。 像个植物一般不痛不痒。 ¢ 眼眸里最清晰的身影ゆ ¢ 美瞳里最亮丽的风景ゆ ¢ 眼睛里最闪...对应英文:Like a blind man to pay no heed. Like a man generally indifferent. Like a dumb generally silent. Like a plant is neither painful nor itching. Eyes - the most beautiful scenery close - most clear figure close - cosmetic contact lenses in the eyes flash...

光棍佬教仔便宜莫贪 财到光棍手一去无回头 盲人吃汤丸心中有数 丈二和尚摸不著头脑 礼义廉无耻 泥水...打破纸灯笼 一个个眼里有火 瞎子熬糖老(恼)了火 癞蛤蟆垫床...对应英文:Single guy to teach their cheap Mo greed Choi to single hand go back the blind to eat soup pill know the score be all at sea cannot touch his head and cheap shameless slurry... Break paper lanterns one eye fire blind sugar old (NAO) fire toad pad bed...

李逵只在乎大碗喝酒,大块吃肉,哪里会理会这些鸟事就算把他排得靠前一点也是"俏媚眼做给瞎子看了",没有什么用处,所以就这样排了,想来李逵也绝不会在意。另外雷横由于...对应英文:Li Kui is only interested in a bowl to drink, large pieces of meat, where will ignore these bird thing if he get front row is a "pretty eyes to the blind see, not what the" use, so it is lined up, like Li Kui never care. In addition to Lei Heng due...


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