

无理不可争对应英文:An indisputable

女儿的话,建议这个女孩进行上诉,走法律途径,因为她是第一也是唯一的法定继承人,别人无权和她争这份家产 前提是这份家产不是他们家族成员共有的,或之前未成和他大伯等...对应英文:Daughter of words, suggest the girl appeal, the legal way to go, because she is the first and only person of statutory succession, others have no right to fight with her this property is the premise of this property is not shared by their family members, without or before his uncle...

◆有理不在言高,有话说在面前。 ◆有理不可丢,无理不可争。 ◆有理赢,无理输。 ◆有理摆到事上,好钢使到刃上。 ◆有理走遍天下,无理寸步难行。 ◆有斧砍得树倒,有理...对应英文:◆ rational not character is high, said in front of. ◆ rational can not be lost, irrational indisputable. ◆ rational win, irrational. ◆ rational put things, good steel to the edge. ◆ rational everywhere, irrational can't do anything. ◆ there axe cut down the tree, rational...

如果不想他的一辈子就这样毁了,最好和他父母谈谈,他不再是小孩子了,他父母也不可能一辈子都陪着他照顾他。他现在需要学会的是,独立生存。也许,你们后来真的分手了,...对应英文:If you don't want to his life is ruined, the best to talk with his mother, he is no longer a child, his parents could not always accompany him to take care of him. He needs to learn now is, independent living. Perhaps, then you really broke up,...

对上谄媚讨好,对下骄横无理。 【词语】胡闹八光 【注音】ú à ā ā 【释义】.方言。无理的行动。亦谓行动任意,不合理。 【词语】强词夺理 【注音】ǎ...对应英文:Please to flattery, the arrogant and rude. [words]. Eight [phonetic] light. [] ú à on interpretation of dialect. Unreasonable action. Also called the action of arbitrary, irrational. [words] use lame arguments and perverted logic [phonetic] ǎ...

这就已经显示出他们争功的无理与过错,最后那"我的位置往上调"、"我得站最高峰"、"长你脑瓜顶上"等,使作品...让豁然开朗的平和之心与成功的喜悦相伴成长吧,我们是不可战胜...对应英文:It has been shown to irrational and fault them for work, and finally the "my position to rise", "I have to stand the peak", "long on the top of your head", make the works... To click into place the peaceful heart and the joy of success growing together, we are invincible...

谁都不管你,说什么都没意义. 无论做任何事情,都要心存理解,处处为别人所想,遇到无理争三分者,更多的是用理税服此人,无理取闹者也无颜面在继续争三分了。对应英文:Who are you, what are meaningless. Whether to do anything, have to be understood, all for what others think, encountered unreasonable for three points, more is the person with reasonable tax service, make trouble out of nothing and no face continuing for three points.

以上两者又可称为"不可患得患失",对待得失要有平常心,要减少对外物太过执着的欲望。争其必然是指我有必然...不要去强辩,不要无理争三分。为人应堂堂正正,有理则维护,无理...对应英文:Both can be called "do not worry about personal gains and losses," treatment of gains and losses to have common heart, to reduce the material too persistent desire. Fight the inevitable means I have inevitable... Don't you, don't unreasonable for three minutes. To be dignified and imposing, rational is maintained, irrational...

你就完了,谁都不管你,说什么都没意义. 无论做任何事情,都要心存理解,处处为别人所想,遇到无理争三分者,更多的是用理税服此人,无理取闹者也无颜面在继续争三分了。对应英文:You're gone, who are you, what are meaningless. Whether to do anything, have to be understood, all for what others think, encountered unreasonable for three points, more is the person with reasonable tax service, make trouble out of nothing and no face continuing for three points.

每一位都安排了贴切自然又脆爆的笑料进行揭穿,这就已经显示出他们争功的无理与过错,而马季的高妙又在于安排了口、耳、眼、鼻为了荣誉相互争论的一笔,最后那"我的位置...对应英文:Each arranged apt nature and brittle explosion jokes were exposed, which has been shown to irrational and fault them for work, and Ma Ji's sublime is arranged a mouth, ear, eye, nose to honor each other a debate, finally that "my position...

不要去强辩,不要无理争三分。为人应堂堂正正,有理则维护,无理则承认,虚心听取道理。对应英文:Don't argue, not unreasonable for three minutes. To be dignified and imposing, rational, irrational maintenance, admit, listen to reason.


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