

好药难治冤孽病对应英文:Good medicine for intractable because disease

、作者回忆儿时为父亲治病的情景,描述了几位"名医"是行医态度、作风、开方等种种表现,揭示了这些人巫医...奇怪的药引、陈莲河关于冤孽的讲法、陈莲河最后一次给父亲开...对应英文:Author, recall the childhood to treat his father's situation, describes several "doctor" is the practice attitude, style, evolution and other manifestations, reveals the witch doctor... Strange clue, Chen Lianhe on the way, as Chen Lianhe last to father...

◆自称好,烂稻草。 ◆多鸣之猫,捕鼠必少。 ◆论旁人斤斤计较,说自己花好稻好。 ◆好药难治冤孽病,好话难劝糊涂虫。 ◆伶俐人一拨三转,糊涂人棒打不回。 ◆身穿三尺衣...对应英文:◆ claim to be good, rotten straw. ◆ multi Ming cat, mouse will be less. ◆ on one square accounts in every detail, said he takes rice good. ◆ good drug refractory because disease, good difficult to persuade the idiot. The smart person a three rpm, confused people with no back. ◆ wearing three feet...

◆论旁人斤斤计较,说自己花好稻好。 ◆好药难治冤孽病,好话难劝糊涂虫。 ◆伶俐人一拨三转,糊涂人棒打不回。 ◆身穿三尺衣,说话无高低。 ◆没钱时挨饿,有钱时耀阔。...对应英文:◆ on one square accounts in every detail, said he takes rice good. ◆ good drug refractory because disease, good difficult to persuade the idiot. The smart person a three rpm, confused people with no back. ◆ wearing three feet vests, speak no height. ◆ when there was no money hungry, money Yao broad. ...

◆好药难治冤孽病,好话难劝糊涂虫。 ◆伶俐人一拨三转,糊涂人棒打不回。 ◆身穿三尺衣,说话无高低。 ◆眼睛不识宝,灵芝当蓬蒿。 ◆一心想赶两只兔,反而落得两手空。...对应英文:◆ good drug refractory because disease, good difficult to persuade the idiot. The smart person a three rpm, confused people with no back. ◆ wearing three feet vests, speak no height. ◆ eye not treasure, Ganoderma lucidum when basil. I wanted to catch the rabbit, but ended up with empty hands. ...

谁知身陷井中亡二十五 劝世歌妙药难医冤孽病 横财不富命穷人利已害人促夭折 积善修行养子孙人恶人怕天不怕 人善人欺天不欺冥冥公道分明有 远在儿孙近在身说话莫道他人...对应英文:Who knows who trap in death twenty-five to persuade the world song medical yuannie disease difficult magic not the rich life of the poor at the expense of promoting good practice, die son sun people wicked fear days are not afraid of people a wrong day don't cheat out reasonable clear in children and grandchildren close to the body. But others...

乞丐说,这是因为肚子里面有东西,不是我能治的,必须请我的老师来。并以二十天为期限。甲的家人说,今天能不...毋命与所讼者往来,再生冤孽纠缠也。" 僧医的特征医术高明,...对应英文:The beggar said, this is because the stomach have something, I can not cure, must ask my teacher. And in the twenty day period. A family said, today can not... No life and the litigation people, regeneration as entanglement also. "Smart features monk medicine medicine,...

叶沉香对兰生充满怨恨,只要兰生在场(活着的时候),她就会不断的秒兰生,哎,前世的冤孽啊!注意,当兰生挂掉后一定要及时将兰生复活,不然叶沉香没过足瘾,其它人就要遭殃啦...对应英文:Ye Chenxiang is full of hatred for the presence of Lansheng, as long as the Lansheng (alive), she will continue to the second Lansheng, hey, past sin! Note, when father died must timely Lansheng resurrection, or leaf aloes not guozuyin, other people will suffer...

令狐冲对宁中则岳灵珊临死前要他好好照顾林平之。宁中则连说两句冤孽告诉令狐冲今后要好好照顾自己便自尽而死。令狐冲悲痛不已,这时岳不群清醒过来,任盈盈刚要打倒岳...对应英文:Linghu Chong Ning Zhongze Yue Lingshan before his death on him to take care of Lin Pingzhi. Ning Zhongze even say evil told Linghu Chong future to take care of himself himself died. Linghu Chong Yue buqun grief, when awake, Yingying just trying to overthrow the yue...

《新娘不该是你》 那一夜他强行和她发生了关系,她刻骨铭心。前世今生的冤孽,注定了她逃不出他的魔掌,不,她不信命,她要反抗,但他宁为玉碎,也不为瓦全,在她的新婚之夜...对应英文:"The bride should not be you" that night he forced his affair with her, she imprint is engraved on my heart. Past lives of sin, condemned her escape his clutches, no, she doesn't believe in fate, she fought back, but he was all or nothing, also, on her wedding night...

她这病就是火烧苏宅后留下的,如今一死,也算是还了这笔冤孽债了。   本已病危的方氏溘然长逝。十长者判决此案就此了结,辛氏族人借机下台。   红玉和浩宇安葬了方氏...对应英文:This disease is the fire left her after su Zhai, now dead, it is also the cause of karma. The dying Fang pass away all of a sudden. Ten the elders decide the case was closed, Xin's people to step down. Ruby and Xavier and buried the party's...


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