

好问不迷路对应英文:Ask not lost

牛顿一人在家中的果园中,由于边走路边思考问题,无意间撞到园中的苹果树,这时一个苹果正好砸在牛顿的头上。牛顿突然从问题中醒悟过来,捡起了苹果,这时他又陷入一个问题...对应英文:Newton a person in the home orchard, from walking and thinking, accidentally hit the apple tree, then an apple just hit Newton in the head. Newton suddenly from the problems in the wake, picked up the apple, and this time he ran into a problem...

◆水滴石穿,坐食山空。 ◆功成由俭,业精于勤。 ◆好问不迷路,好做不受贫。 ◆劳动钱,万万年,贪污钱,在眼前。 ◆求人不如求己,使人不如使腿。 ◆弄花一年,看花一日。...对应英文:◆ Dripping water wears through a stone., consume without producing. ◆ success by the thrift, Efficiency comes from diligence. ◆ good ask don't get lost, do not lean. ◆ labor money, thousands of years, corruption and money, in front of. ◆ qiurenburuqiuji, make the person as the leg. ◆ get to spend a year, to see the day. ...

只勤毋俭,无钱无盐。 好问勿会迷路,勤做毋知苦。 勤俭 全家勤,厝前厝后出金银。 毋惊山高,只惊脚软,毋惊事难,只惊人懒 急计(勤劳)人用手,想懒(懒惰)人用嘴启计想做...对应英文:Only diligent Wu Jian, no money, no salt. Ask not to be lost, often do not know the bitter. Thrifty family Qin Qian Cuo, CuO after the gold and silver. No surprise just scared mountain, foot soft, not surprised the hard things, only lazy emergency plan (hard) amazing hand, want to lazy (lazy) with mouth and plan to do...

鸟儿为何不迷路,到现在也没有一个定论不过不同的鸟儿应该是采用不同的定位方式来寻找自己路径的,比如鸽子就使用地球磁场定位有的鸟儿还用太阳,北极星等进行定位的对应英文:Why don't birds lost, until now has not a conclusion but different birds should be located by different ways to find their own path, such as the use of the earth's magnetic field dove positioning some birds also use the sun, locate the Arctic magnitude

问题.在第⑥段,"这种较含糊的理论"指.为什么说绍尔博士提出了"进一步的看法",而不是说是"自己的看法" ...对应英文:Problem. In Chapter 6, "this is vague theory". Why "further views" Dr. scholl, instead of saying "my views"...

人靠什么不迷路呢记忆、太阳或其它的自然现象 鸟为什么不迷路呢,可能是靠太阳或者磁场吧对应英文:People rely on what does not get lost memory, the sun or other natural phenomena why birds don't get lost, probably by the sun or the magnetic field

小狗的嗅觉的很灵敏的,它可以依靠气味来辨别路的方向,所以它们很少会迷路对应英文:The dog's sense of smell is very sensitive, it can rely on smell to identify the direction of the road, so they seldom get lost

温馨提示 买份地图,把大概要去的地方重点标记出来,上网搜索大概路线,实在不行问人,现在有的手机也有功能,可以用这个。对应英文:Reminder to buy copies of the map, probably will go to the place marked focus, search the Internet about route, it is not asked, now some mobile phone also has the function, can use this.

主要是记住你走过比较明显的事物比如大树的,高山,高楼,记住有特点弯道,路口,等等对应英文:The main is to remember you through the more obvious things like trees, mountains, buildings, road characteristics curve, remember, etc.

老马识途对应英文:An old hand is a good guide


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