

贫贱之交不可忘对应英文:Pinjianzhijiao can't forget
  成语词目 贫贱之交不可忘 
  拼音发音 pín jiàn zhī jiāo bu ke wang 
  解释意思 贫困时结交的知心朋友不可遗忘。 
  成语出处 《后汉书·宋弘传》:“(光武帝)谓弘曰:‘谚言贵易交,富易妻,人情乎?’弘曰:‘臣闻贫贱之交不可忘,糟糠之妻不下堂。’” 
  成语举例 高阳《胡雪岩全传·平步青云》上册:“你是绝顶聪明的人,总该晓得这两句话:‘糟糠之妻不下堂,~。”




'" 成语举例 注~代替表示贫贱之交不可忘成语的意思 糟糠用以充饥的酒糟糠皮等粗劣的食物堂正房。不要遗弃共过患难的妻子。指情谊深,不能忘. 出自《后汉书·宋弘传...对应英文:'"idiom for example note ~ instead said pinjianzhijiao can't forget the meaning of Chinese idioms chaff to eat grain chaff, poor food hall building. Don't abandon a total of a wife. A deep friendship, cannot forget. From the "biography of the later Han Song Hong...

《明·朱权·荆钗记·第十九出》"丞相不闻宋弘有云 '糟糠之妻不下堂,贫贱之交不可忘。'" 汉光武帝时,帝姊湖阳公主新寡,刘秀与之共论群臣,细察其意。公主曰"宋公威容德...对应英文:"Ming Quan Zhu, bramble hairpin · nineteenth" "the prime minister did not hear Song Hong 'wife cloud not hall, pinjianzhijiao can't forget. '"Han Guangwu emperor elder sister, princess was widowed, Liu Xiu and CO on the courtiers, analyse its meaning. The princess said, "Song Gong face de...

白话直译真正的正人君子不能忘本。贫穷时候的朋友们不能忘记,也不要遗弃共患难的妻子。 本,就是根本,本源,或指自己的出身境地,这里特指贫穷时候所交的朋友,共患难的...对应英文:Vernacular translation really upright gentlemen can't be ungrateful. Poor when friends not to forget, nor abandoned a wife. This, is the fundamental, source, or your own background situation, especially the poor when friends, adversity...

释义贫贱之交贫困时的知心朋友糟糠酒糟和糠麸。富贵时不要忘记贫贱时的朋友,不要抛弃共同患难过的妻子。用法作宾语、定语、分句用于劝诫人。成语出处《南齐书...对应英文:Interpretation Pinjianzhijiao poverty bosom friend chaff distiller's grains and bran. Don't forget to become friends when rich, do not abandon together with sad wife. Usage as object, attributive clauses to admonish people. Idioms source "nanqishu...

同甘苦,怎么能中途抛弃而另觅新欢呢"于是对光武帝说"我听说,古人有'贫贱之交无相忘,糟糠之妻不下堂'的佳话啊!"光武帝听后便不再提起此事。 明代李贽《器黄宜人》运...对应英文:Weal and woe, how can the desertion and find another new sweetheart "and so on the emperor" I heard, the ancients' Pinjianzhijiao without love, the wife not down the hall 'now! "The emperor could then no longer mention. Ming Li Zhi "for yellow pleasant"...

这只是一种说法,指看重精神交流不在乎物质给予 但是 随着社会的进步 一个人要是在与别人的交往中总是一毛不拔 那也非常不符合我们中国人礼尚往来的传统 毕竟 ...对应英文:This is just a saying, a valued spiritual communication don't care about material to give but with the progress of society if a person is in communication with others is always too stingy to pull out a hair that is not consistent with our Chinese reciprocity tradition after all...

贫贱时所交的朋友,在自己飞黄腾达时,绝不可忘记。而长年同甘共苦的妻子,一旦富贵荣华时,也绝不能予以抛弃,反之要对其体贴爱护有加。对应英文:The poor and lowly, friends, in their own be successful in one's official career, never forget. But the elder wife share sb.'s joys and sorrows, once riches, honour and splendor, also can never be abandoned, whereas the considerate care with.

富贵时不要忘记贫贱时的朋友,不要抛弃共同患难过的妻子。对应英文:Don't forget to become friends when rich, do not abandon together with sad wife.

呵呵 。。。人身很多问题都很奇怪的。。。发生在别人身上总能看透。。自己身上总想不明白。。没给人结婚后 彼此之间就形成了一种责任 那种爱情也逐渐会变成亲情的。。...对应英文:Ha-ha. People are strange to many problems... Happen to others can always see.. Oneself always wants not to understand.. Not to get married to each other between the formation of a responsibility that kind of love also gradually becomes affection.. ...

不做违法乱纪的事, 不做伤天害理的事。 不做对不起自己的事, 不做对不起别人的事, 不做让自己不高兴的事, 不做让别人为难的事, 认认真真的生活, 认认真真的工作, 认认...对应英文:Don't do bad things, do not do things offensive to God and reason. Don't be sorry myself, do not sorry the things of others, do not let yourself unhappy things, do not let others in trouble, conscientious life, conscientious work, recognize...


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