

一浪高过一浪对应英文:A higher and higher wave

观众浪高过一组妇女的世界杯在德国柏林,2011年6月26日,德国和加拿大之间的匹配德国国旗。对应英文:The wave of a group of women's World Cup in Germany, Berlin, in June 26, 2011 the German flag, match between Germany and canada.

随着我国宪政制度的发展与完善,要求宪法司法化的呼声一浪高过一浪。对应英文:With the development and perfection of our constitutional system, requirements of constitutional judicature voice of a higher and higher wave.

1989年11月9日,德国人民摧毁了把自己的国家一分为二的壁垒,表明任何高墙都无法阻挡人类自由一浪高过一浪的潮流。对应英文:In November 9, 1989, the German people destroy their country One divides into two. barriers, that any walls were unable to stop the human free wave after wave of the tide.

观众浪高过一组妇女的世界杯在德国柏林,2011年6月26日,德国和加拿大之间的匹配德国国旗。对应英文:The wave of a group of women's World Cup in Germany, Berlin, in June 26, 2011 the German flag, match between Germany and canada.

随着我国宪政制度的发展与完善,要求宪法司法化的呼声一浪高过一浪。对应英文:With the development and perfection of our constitutional system, requirements of constitutional judicature voice of a higher and higher wave.

1989年11月9日,德国人民摧毁了把自己的国家一分为二的壁垒,表明任何高墙都无法阻挡人类自由一浪高过一浪的潮流。对应英文:In November 9, 1989, the German people destroy their country One divides into two. barriers, that any walls were unable to stop the human free wave after wave of the tide.

枪声四起,打到阿萨德政权的呼声一浪高过一浪。对应英文:The four, to the Assad regime's voice is advancing wave upon wave.

戈登·布朗自称拯救了世界,但似乎反对的声音正一浪高过一浪。对应英文:Gordon Brown claims to have saved the world, but it seems that the opposition is advancing wave upon wave.

一浪高过一浪的移民潮不断往西驱赶已被剥夺殆尽的美洲原住民。对应英文:Wave after wave of immigration has to drive has been deprived of the indigenous peoples of the americas.

1943年,法国的抵抗运动一浪高过一浪,当地的盖世太保组织便奉命协助围剿造反的武装。对应英文:In 1943, France resistance movement is advancing wave upon wave, the local Gestapo tissue was ordered to help exterminate the armed.

触摸屏友好:触摸屏的热潮一浪高过一浪,Windows 7也不甘寂寞了,它准备了一种触摸屏模式。对应英文:Friendly touch: touch screen has a higher and higher wave, Windows 7 also unwilling to remain out of the limelight, it prepares a touch screen mode.

尖叫声一浪高过一浪。对应英文:The scream of a higher and higher wave.

在全球化呼声一浪高过一浪的今天,我国高等体育院校惟有谋求更高层次上的自我发展以借鉴国外的成功经验使之本土化。对应英文:Globalization in the voice of a wave after wave of today, our sports colleges only seek higher levels of self development to learn from foreign successful experience of the localization.

一瞬间,舞厅里咯咯的笑声和叽叽喳喳的评论声一浪高过一浪。对应英文:For an instant, the ballroom giggle and twitter comments sound wave after wave.

农民与地主矛盾日益加剧,农民反抗的浪潮一浪高过一浪。对应英文:The farmer and the landlord has intensified the contradiction, the peasants' revolt tide one wave.

社会发展和变革的浪潮一浪高过一浪,促进了社会的不断转型与变迁。对应英文:Social development and change a surges wave upon wave, promote the continuous transformation and social change.

在一浪高过一浪的叫好声中,我的眼里泪水汹涌。对应英文:In wave after wave of applause, tears in my eyes the.

尽管最近的难民潮一浪高过一浪,移民部将裁员700名。这次裁员涉及到全澳洲以及整个世界的100多个地区,而目前,移民部的雇员是7000多名。对应英文:Despite the recent wave of refugees is advancing wave upon wave, the Immigration Department will cut 700. The layoffs involving in Australia and throughout the world more than 100 area, and at present, the Immigration Department employees are more than 7000.


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