

实践出真知对应英文:Real knowledge comes from practice

实践出真知。对应英文:Knowledge comes from practice.

管理难缠的病人并不是不可能的--像其他的事情一样 实践出真知.对应英文:Managing difficult patients is not impossible, like other things real knowledge comes from practice.

另一个同等重要的原则是,无论我们如何进行教学,我们应该在学习中保持其实用性,而不要教条,正如一位国人所说:“实践出真知”。对应英文:Another equally important principle is that no matter how we are teaching, we should keep its usefulness in learning, and not a dogma, as a Chinese people say: "practice is the best teacher".

管理难缠的病人并不是不可能的--像其他的事情一样 实践出真知.对应英文:Managing difficult patients is not impossible, like other things real knowledge comes from practice.

这次是选伦敦市长,每个房间都有一封信的,说如果你有资格,可以去哪里投票,实践又出了一次真知,嗯。对应英文:This time is to choose the mayor of London, every room has a letter, said that if you are qualified, can go to vote, practice and a true knowledge, well.

另一个同等重要的原则是,无论我们如何进行教学,我们应该在学习中保持其实用性,而不要教条,正如一位国人所说:“实践出真知”。对应英文:Another equally important principle is that no matter how we are teaching, we should keep its usefulness in learning, and not a dogma, as a Chinese people say: "practice is the best teacher".

相信实践出真知,在实践中提高自己的能力,同时相信自己能为公司赢得利润。对应英文:Believe that knowledge comes from practice and in practice to improve their abilities, and believe they can win the company profits.

然而本着实践出真知和全心全意为广大官兵服务的想法,我却一直在演出中得到锻炼和提高。对应英文:However, in line with the real knowledge comes from practice and the idea of serving for the majority of officers and men, I have been in exercise and improve performance.

“实践出真知”是西京校风的一种表述,它镌刻在西京园内省级实验教学示范中心门口的文化石上。对应英文:"Genuine knowledge comes from practice" is a kind of expression of xiking school spirit, it is engraved at the gate of the provincial experimental teaching demonstration center xiking grounds of culture stone.

实践出真知,咱们要从痛楚中学习。对应英文:Knowledge comes from practice, we should learn from the pain.

实践出真知在杜总身上体现的淋漓尽致,他用切身的经验给酒店注入智慧为员工注入能量。对应英文:Knowledge comes from practice on du always reflect incisively and vividly, he used his personal experience to hotel into wisdom into energy for employees.


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