

无债一身轻对应英文:Happy is the man that owes nothing

由于奖学金丰厚,加上父母的资助,她大学毕业的时候无债一身轻。对应英文:The handsome scholarships, plus the support of parents, when she graduated from the University of debt free.

而且,由于过去五年里采用的免贷款计划,如今几乎每一所常春藤盟校里接受资助的学生都很可能无债一身轻地毕业。对应英文:But, because of the past five years the free loan program, now receive aid students almost every Ivy are likely to be debt free graduation.

我父亲和我谈到他最近的财务转机,其间他说到他热爱无债一身轻的感觉.对应英文:My father and I were talking about his recent financial turnaround, during which he said that he loved a debt free feeling

由于奖学金丰厚,加上父母的资助,她大学毕业的时候无债一身轻。对应英文:The handsome scholarships, plus the support of parents, when she graduated from the University of debt free.

而且,由于过去五年里采用的免贷款计划,如今几乎每一所常春藤盟校里接受资助的学生都很可能无债一身轻地毕业。对应英文:But, because of the past five years the free loan program, now receive aid students almost every Ivy are likely to be debt free graduation.

我父亲和我谈到他最近的财务转机,其间他说到他热爱无债一身轻的感觉.对应英文:My father and I were talking about his recent financial turnaround, during which he said that he loved a debt free feeling

很多美国人又回归到了偿清房贷、无债一身轻这个目标。对应英文:Many Americans have reverted to pay off loans, debt free this goal.

所以从个人前途上看,无债一身轻比花钱买个名牌要有利得多。对应英文:So from the personal perspective view, debt free than to spend money to buy a brand to be much more favorable.

眼前你最应该知道的是无债一身轻。对应英文:At present most of you should know is debt free.

我感谢她的慷慨,使我们能够无债一身轻地开始我们的婚姻生活,买下我们的第一套房子,与我们的孩子们享受人生之旅。对应英文:I thank her for her generosity, enables us to be debt free to begin our marriage, bought our first house, enjoy the life journey and our children.

狼队主席史蒂芬-摩根表示如果利物浦接受在吉列和希克斯入主安菲尔德之前他投资的话,那么现在利物浦可以说得上无债一身轻。对应英文:Wolves President Stephen - Morgan said that if they accepted his investment before at Anfield in Gillette and Hicks, Liverpool would be debt free.

我所指的无债一身轻其实是没有不好的债务。对应英文:No debt I referred to a light is actually not bad debt.

“无债一身轻”是许多人的愿望,可惜许多人一生都活在欠债的痛苦中而不自觉。对应英文:"Debt free" is the wish of many people, but many people live in the misery of indebtedness and not conscious.

一个无债一身轻的企业的12%回报要远胜于一个负债累累的企业的同样的回报。对应英文:A debt free enterprise 12% return far better than a debt laden firms the same return.

如今人们有了同以往不同的债务观。很多美国人又回归到了偿清房贷、无债一身轻这个目标。对应英文:People now have completely different debt outlook. Many Americans have reverted to pay off loans, debt free this goal.

天哪,还有3笔未付的账呢,我还庆幸自己无债一身轻呢。对应英文:Oh, there are 3 unpaid bills, I also fortunate to be debt free.

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