

人在福中不知福对应英文:People in the fortunate

人在福中不知福-福去又把泪来流。人在福中不知福-只缘身在彼福中。人在福中不知福-祸已临头不知忧。 谚语人在福中不知福,船在水中不知流。对应英文:People in the fortunate blessing to the tears flow. People in the fortunate - just because the Bifu in. People in the fortunate - disaster has come not sorrow. Proverbs are in the fortunate, the boat in the water not flow.

人在福中不知福,船在水中不知流。对应英文:People in the fortunate, the boat in the water not flow.

我们生活在现实中,要勇敢面对,虽然生活有时候有点苦,用心想一下,苦中自有甜。知足常乐嘛。对应英文:We live in reality, to be brave to face life, although sometimes a bit hard, think hard, bitter sweet. Contentment.

鱼在水里游只看到鱼钩上的饵而看不见后面的鱼钩。人在福中不知福船在水中不知流意思也是这样,目前的条件已经很好了还不满足,总觉得自己的条件不好。对应英文:The fish swimming in the water only to see the bait on a hook behind the invisible hook. People in the fortunate boats in the water not flow meaning also is such, the present condition is very good still not satisfied, always feel that their condition is not good.

楼主是让我们猜啥的啊对应英文:The landlord is let's guess what ah

答案是燕子对应英文:The answer is the swallow

人为什么身在福中不知福可以从多方面来说。首先就是人的贪欲使得人不会想起自己的碗里还有吃的,而是盯着...而是看着别的,也就不知道自己拥有什么。第二中就是对眼前的东...对应英文:Why do people who are fortunate to be in a number of ways. First is the human greed makes people do not think of his bowl and eat, but stare... But looking at the other, also do not know what's your own. The second is to the immediate east...

相比那些身处饥饿和贫困中的非洲人民,你不觉得你自己就是一个很好的例子吗对应英文:Compared to those living in hunger and poverty in the Africa people, don't you think you are a good example

反映了很多人都在叹息自己的不幸的时候,其实自己不知道身在福中不知福的道理而已。 我的子民们,幸福不在天涯,而在智者的心中。 --《圣经•旧约》 河的此岸渴...对应英文:Reflect the many people are sighing her unhappy, I do not know who are fortunate truth. My children, happiness is not on the horizon, but in the heart. "The Bible, the Old Testament:" this side of the river...

它就好比是你成功的垫脚石,让你更站的更高、看的更远,就比吃著碗里的看著窝里的一样。人应该学会知足,只有这样你才会懂得珍惜眼前。对应英文:It is like stepping stones to success, to make you stand higher, see farther, than to eat a bowl of looking at the nest. People should learn to be content, the only way you will know how to cherish the present.


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