

王顾左右而言他对应英文:Wang gu
王顾左右而言他,拼为wáng gù zuǒ yòu ér yán tā,指离开话题,回避难以答复的问题。出自《孟子•梁惠王下》。

拼 音:
wáng gù zuǒ yòu ér yán tā

释 义:

出 处:

示 例:

孟子又说"如果一个国家的治理得很糟糕,那又该怎么办呢" 齐宣王左右张望,把话题扯到一边去了。注释 托托付,委托。 比等到。 馁饥饿。 如之何对他怎么办。 之...对应英文:Mencius said "if a state governance was bad, then how to do it" King Xuan looked around, turn aside. Annotation toto pay, entrust. Than to wait until. Hungry hungry. Such as what to do with him. The...

首先自己应该认识到自己对人民应付的责任,要以身作则。只有治理好国家,才能使你的手下服从于你。在对自身严格要求的同时,还要多加留意你手下的官员,是否个个都能做到...对应英文:You should be aware of their responsibility to the people, make oneself an example. The only rule the country, to make your men to obey you. In the strict self requirements at the same time, but also pay more attention to your officials, whether one can do...

"王顾左右而言他"形容支吾其词,无法应对。 (出自《孟子·梁惠王》)对应英文:"Evade the subject under discussion" to describe the prevarication, unable to cope with the. (from "Mencius, King Hui of Liang")

王顾左右而言他 拼音 á ù ǒ ò é á ā 典故 指离开话题,回避难以答复的问题。 出处 《孟子·梁惠王下》 王顾左右而言他 孟子(即孟轲,战国中期儒家的代表...对应英文:Evade the subject under discussion Pinyin á ù ǒ ò é á ā allusion refers to leave the topic, avoiding the difficult questions. The source "Mencius, King Hui of Liang" evade the subject under discussion Mencius (Meng Ke, the mid Warring States period confucianism...

前两题回答的干脆、直接、不加思考第三问转移话题、闪避,知道孟子的问题是针对自己而来的如果回答,就会让自己陷入尴尬。(我们老师的答案哦)对应英文:The first two questions answered simply, directly, without thinking of third asked to transfer a topic, Dodge, know Mencius question is to oneself to if the answer, will let their own embarrassment. (our teacher answer.)

形容这类情况,就常常引用"王顾左右而言他"这句话,或者说作"顾左右而言他"。 这是一段非常精彩的小品。尤其是最后"王顾左右而言他"一句,真是生动传神,成为了大家常用的...对应英文:Describe this sort of situation, often cited "evade the subject under discussion" this sentence, or as a "look the other way". This is a very wonderful essays. Especially the last "evade the subject under discussion" sentence, it is vivid, the commonly used...

王顾左右而言他【发 音】 á ù ǒ ò é á ā 【出 处】《孟子·梁惠王下》孟子谓齐宣王曰"王之臣,有托其妻子于其友而之楚游者,比其反也,则冻馁其妻子,则如之...对应英文:Evade the subject under discussion [sound] á ù ǒ ò é á ā [is] "Mencius, King Hui of Liang" Mencius under King Wei Qixuan said, "Wang Zhichen, have asked his wife to his friend and Chu tourists, than the reverse, the wife is cold and hunger, as the...

形容这类情况,后来就常常引用"王顾左右而言他"这句话,或者说作"顾左右而言他"。 这是一段非常精彩的小品。尤其是最后"王顾左右而言他"一句,真是生动传神,成为了大家常...对应英文:Describe this sort of situation, and then often cite "evade the subject under discussion" this sentence, or as "Gu Zuoyou he". This is a very wonderful essays. Especially the last "evade the subject under discussion" sentence, it is vivid, become a big family...

王顾左右而言他指离开话题,回避难以答复的问题。 出处 《孟子·梁惠王下》孟子谓齐宣王曰"王之臣,有托其妻子于其友而之楚游者,比其反也,则冻馁其妻子,则如之何"...对应英文:Evade the subject under discussion off the topic, avoiding the difficult questions. The source "Mencius, King Hui of Liang" Mencius under King Wei Qixuan said, "Wang Zhichen, have asked his wife to his friend and Chu tourists, than its anti also is cold and hunger, the wife, is how"...

对于国君而言,这实在是一个大而无当的罪名。既不说出具体弊端,更没有改进措施,所以实事求是地说,孟子的话除了讽刺人、伤害人,没有一丁点儿实际内容。倒是齐宣王的度量...对应英文:For the king, this really is a large but impractical. Neither say specific defects, and no improvement measures, so the seek truth from facts to say, Mencius words except sarcastic, hurt, no actual content. It is a measure of King Xuan of...


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