

富不过三代对应英文:Great men's sons seldom do well




人言富不过三代。对应英文:People say the rich but three generations.

现代人常说;富不过三代。对应英文:Modern people often say; the rich but three generations.

继任者将尽力保持现政权的独裁特色,但俗语有云:富不过三代。对应英文:Successor will try to keep the autocratic character of the current regime, but as the saying goes: the rich but three generations.

社会舆论有无必要为“富不过三代”的家族企业唏嘘嗟叹?对应英文:Public opinion has no need for "the rich but three generations of the family enterprise" sigh?

王永庆常常用“富不过三代”的古话告诫自己的子女,要他们自己创业,不要依赖上辈的基业而坐享其成。对应英文:Wang Yongqing often uses "the rich but three generations" an old warning their children, to their own business, do not rely on the foundation Shangbei reap.

继任者将尽力保持现政权的独裁特色,但俗语有云:富不过三代。对应英文:Successor will try to keep the autocratic character of the current regime, but as the saying goes: the rich but three generations.

笔者试图通过自己的探索为中国家族企业的发展寻找一条切实可行之路,从而解决富不过三代的这一悖论。对应英文:The author tries to through their own exploration to find a feasible way for the development of China family business, but the rich so as to solve the paradox of three generations.

许多富裕家庭之所以“富不过三代”,就是因为他们没有培养出一位内行的人来管理他们的资产。对应英文:Many rich families are "the rich but three generations," because they did not produce a professional people to manage their assets.

“富不过三代”似乎是铁一样的定律,然而洛克菲勒家族从发迹至今已经绵延了六代。对应英文:"The rich but three generations" seems to be the same iron law, but the Rockefeller family fortune has been rolling from the six generation.

有句古谚语这样说:“富不过三代。”对应英文:An old proverb says: "the rich but three generations."

俗话说“创业容易守业难”,这“富不过三代”的魔咒桎梏着中国乃至全世界家族企业的发展。对应英文:As the saying goes "it is easy to setting difficult", this "the rich but three generations" spell shackles of development of enterprise China and even the whole world family.


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