

光说不练假把式对应英文:Light off the mules

光说不练假把式,光练不说傻把式,又练又说真把式。对应英文:Light off the mules, practice without talking silly skill, practicing and trouser.

光练不说傻把式对应英文:Practice without talking silly skill

光说不练假把式,是指只会说,却不会去做(多是指没有能力去做,做不到)。多指一个光会说,不会做。 光练不说傻把势,是说一个人办事实在,不怎么说话,只知道做事,事情做完了...对应英文:Light off the mules, refers to only speak, but not to do (refers to the number of do not have the ability to do, not to do). A light would say that, wouldn't do. Practice without talking silly skills, said a person do it, don't talk, just know things, things done...

打的牛说不出门道的,那就是瞎胡打又能打,又知道自己在干啥的,那才是真有本事的--问题是这种的一般已经不屑于打了,更不屑于说了对应英文:Hit the cow said not connected, that is the blind Hu play and fight, and know what you're doing, that is -- have ability really is the general disdains to hit, more disdain said

. . .对应英文:A..

光练不说假把式对应英文:Practice without say false skill

只是有可能。可以到专业机构查询真正源头。"光说不练假把式,光练不说傻把式,连说带练全把式"就是说走江湖卖艺,首先要会说、能说,这样才能先拢住观众(拈圆、拈场子)...对应英文:Just maybe. To query the true source of professional institutions. "That do not deliver false skill, practice without talking silly skill, even said first full skill" that mountebank busk, first of all to say, can say, such ability to holding the audience (twist, twist round place)...

光做不说傻把式对应英文:The light do not say English skill

老北京有句俏皮话讽刺只会耍嘴皮子的人--"天桥的把式,光说不练"。这决不是无中生有的诽谤,只要到天桥看过把式(武术和杂技之类)的人们都会有这种体会。天桥有个武术场...对应英文:Beijing is the old quip irony will only show off one's eloquence person -- "bridge type, doing nothing". This is not out of thin air slander, as long as the bridge to see Wushu (martial arts and acrobatics and so on) people will have this experience. The bridge has a martial arts field...

光说不练假把式,是指只会说,却不会去做(多是指没有能力去做,做不到)。多指一个光会说,不会做。光练不说傻把势,是说一个人办事实在,不怎么说话,只知道做事,事情做完了都...对应英文:Light off the mules, refers to only speak, but not to do (refers to the number of do not have the ability to do, not to do). A light would say that, wouldn't do. Practice without talking silly skills, said a person do it, don't talk, just know things, things are...


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