

死抱着不放对应英文:Death to hold on to it

时至今日,还死抱着种族歧视的观点不放。对应英文:Today, still clinging to the racial discrimination does not put.

在和弟弟、堂兄妹一起玩时可就不一样了,我会死抱着玩具不放,有时甚至还要藏起来——我不愿意让别人玩我的东西。对应英文:The brother, cousin play together but is not the same, I will die with toys is not put, sometimes even hide -- I don't want to let others play with my things.

那些面临着财政破产的人,就只能通过死抱着“自力更生”的美式价值观不放来让自己保持着中产阶级的心态了。对应英文:Those facing financial ruin, American value only by clinging to "rely through one's own efforts" concept is not put to keep a middle-class mentality.

时至今日,还死抱着种族歧视的观点不放。对应英文:Today, still clinging to the racial discrimination does not put.

在和弟弟、堂兄妹一起玩时可就不一样了,我会死抱着玩具不放,有时甚至还要藏起来——我不愿意让别人玩我的东西。对应英文:The brother, cousin play together but is not the same, I will die with toys is not put, sometimes even hide -- I don't want to let others play with my things.

那些面临着财政破产的人,就只能通过死抱着“自力更生”的美式价值观不放来让自己保持着中产阶级的心态了。对应英文:Those facing financial ruin, American value only by clinging to "rely through one's own efforts" concept is not put to keep a middle-class mentality.


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