

未可同日而语对应英文:Cannot be mentioned in the same breath
未可同日而语,拼为wèi kě tóng rì ér yǔ,指两者相差很大,不能相提并论。
            未可同日而语    拼音: wèi kě tóng rì ér yǔ 简拼: wktrey    近义词:  反义词:    用法:    解释: 〖解释〗指两者相差很大,不能相提并论。   出处: 〖出处〗   例子: 〖示例〗   谒后语:    谜语:    成语故事:     相关成语   不可同日而语同日而语未可厚非未可同日而语     

从这看来,国君和隐士的快乐是不可以放在一起讲的。对应英文:From this view, the monarch and his happiness is not can put together to speak.

广阔的大地一片洁白在刮风、下雨、阴暗、晴朗的天气中间,景色瞬息万变。山人有两只鹤,很驯服,而且很会飞。早晨,山人就望着西山的缺口把它们放出去,听任它们飞到什么...对应英文:The vast land of a white in the middle of wind, rain, dark, fine weather, the scenery vary from minute to minute. They have two cranes, very tame, and it will fly. Morning, people looked at the Xishan gap put them out, let them fly to what...

同源异派 同舟敌国 同舟共济 同舟共命 同舟遇风 王子犯法,与庶民同罪 枉直同贯 未敢苟同 未可同日而语 味同嚼蜡 文子同升 吴越同舟 小异大同 协力同心 协心同力 心同...对应英文:Tongyuanyipai Tongzhoudiguo to pull together in times of trouble Tongzhougongming boat with in the wind of the law, and the common people with the crime Wangzhitongguan beg to disagree with cannot be mentioned in the same breath insipid Wenzitongsheng convert an enemy into a friend Xiaoyidatong together with Xiexintongli heart...

五日一石 虽死之日,犹生之年 三头两日 誓天指日 死亡无日 誓以皦日 偷天换日 天无二日 未可同日而语 玩时愒日 玩岁愒日 玩时贪日 无天无日 心贯白日 孝子爱日 养兵千...对应英文:Five a stone although the day of death, and the years Santouliangri Shitianzhiri Siwangwuri Shiyijiaori free on the 2nd day cannot be mentioned in the same breath place a substitute by subterfuge Wanshiqiri Wansuiqiri Wanshitanri Wutianwuri Xinguanbairi Xiaoziairi a thousand...

何以尚有八十杖朝之典武侯鞠躬尽瘁,又何为耶"廷玉又言"亮受任军旅,臣幸得优游太平,未可同日而语。"上曰"是又不然。皋、夔、龙、比易地皆然。既以身任天下之重,...对应英文:Why there are eighty staff in the code of Wuhou dedicated, and what is the Lord "ting Yu says," Liang was appointed military, I was wandering the Taiping, cannot be mentioned in the same breath. "Yue" is not. Gao, Kui, dragon, Biyidi alike. Can any body in the world of,...

少言寡语 三言两语 散言碎语 伤言扎语 同年而语 同日而语 甜言蜜语 甜言美语 甜言媚语 甜言软语 未可同日而语 万语千言 玄辞冷语 夏虫语冰 闲言长语 闲言淡语 夏虫不...对应英文:Wordless in two words or three Sanyansuiyu Shangyanzhayu put on a par with be mentioned in the same breath speak sugared words honey-sweet words Tianyanmeiyu Tianyanruanyu cannot be mentioned in the same breath thousands and thousands of words Xuancilengyu talking of ice to a butterfly Xianyanchangyu Xianyandanyu summer insects do not...

同"异口同音"。 心同止水 〖解释〗形容心境平静,毫无杂念。同"心如止水"。 未可同日而语 〖解释〗指两者相差很大,不能相提并论。 王子犯法,庶民同罪 〖解释〗王子犯了...对应英文:The same "with one voice". On the interpretation Xintongzhishui describe the peace of mind, no thoughts. With the "peace of mind". Cannot be mentioned in the same breath on the interpretation of both difference is very big, cannot be put on a par with. The prince violates the law, the common people with the crime on the interpretation of Prince made...

未知万一 未老先衰 未足轻重 未艾方兴 未卜先知未达一间 未竟之志 未可同日而语 未了因对应英文:Weizhiwanyi prematurely senile Weizuqingzhong unaccomplished intention cannot be mentioned in the same breath not know without consulting an oracle of Wei Aifangxing without much difference because of

偷天换日 途穷日暮 途遥日暮 玩日愒时 玩时愒日 玩时贪日 玩岁愒日 枉费日月 惟日不足 惟日为岁 未可同日而语 无天无日 五日京兆 西山日薄 夏日可畏 孝子爱日 心贯白...对应英文:Place a substitute by subterfuge Tuqiongrimu Tuyaorimu Wanriqishi Wanshiqiri Wanshitanri Wansuiqiri Wangfeiriyue Weiribuzu Weiriweisui cannot be mentioned in the same breath Wutianwuri king for a day Xishanribo severe Xiaoziairi heart through white...

一十八般武艺 一十八般兵器 一代不如一代 喜怒不形于色 无所不尽其极 未可同日而语 为五斗米折腰 听见风就是雨 天无绝人之路 天时地利人和 天机不可泄露 天机不可泄漏...对应英文:Eighteen Wu Yi eighteen weapons on the wane keep the countenance is not the very cannot be mentioned in the same breath yield to hear the wind is the rain Every cloud has a silver lining. day and keep an important secret in can not be leaked secret...


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