

一身而二任对应英文:In double harness
一身而二任,拼为yī shēn ér èr rèn,指一个人承担两种任务。出自《汉书•王吉传》。 

因此,中国民族资产阶级又有同外国资本主义和本国封建主义相妥协的一面。具有依赖性和妥协性。而其软弱性也是由于其政治力量弱小导致的。辛亥革命使民主观念深入人心...对应英文:Therefore, China national bourgeoisie and side with foreign and domestic feudalism and capitalism compromise. Has the dependence and compromise. But its weakness is due to the weak lead to political. Xin Hai revolution makes the democratic ideas win support among the people...

日期-- 中奖号码 + 一等奖 注 ,,元 二等奖 注 ,元 三等奖 ,注 ,元 四等奖 ,注 元 五等奖 ,注 元 六等...对应英文:Date of first prize - winning number, injection, two yuan prize, three prize, four prize, five prize, beam element, beam element six...

一身二任对应英文:Hold two posts simultaneously

所谓"大刑用甲兵",意为最生的刑罚是实行军事讨伐。此外,刑起于兵还表明司法与兵政的掌管者一身而二任。对应英文:The so-called "oibara hoplite", meaning the most students punishment is military crusade. In addition, punishment from military also show that judicial and military ruler in double harness.

一树百获 一时半刻 一丝半粟 一丝不紊 一身都是胆 一索得男 一手独拍,虽疾无声 一扫而空 一石二鸟 一身而二任 一岁九迁 一双两好 一世龙门 一丝两气 一蛇两头 一身两...对应英文:Plant once and yield hundred times a little while Yisibansu Yisibuwen is a common Yisuodenan a single shot, although the silent kill two birds with one stone. Sweep away in double harness Yisuijiuqian a pair of two good a literary giant Yisiliangqi Yisheliangtou body two...

言语妙天下 一饭三吐哺 一问三不知 一举手之劳 一物降一物 一身都是胆 一身而二任 一百二十行 一棒一条痕 一报还一报 一鼻孔出气 一鞭一条痕 一锤子买卖 一棍子打死 ...对应英文:Speak incomparably wittily thirst after talents deny all knowledge of an event as easy as ABC yiwujiangyiwu is a liner in double harness one hundred and twenty rows of stick a streak requite like for like say exactly the same thing a whip a streak of short-lived business down at one stroke...

欲得而甘心 依样画葫芦 银样镴枪头 一棍子打死 一锤子买卖 一碗水端平 一字长蛇阵 一身而二任 疑心生暗鬼 一身都是胆 眼不见为净 一退六二五 一举手之劳 一问三不知 ...对应英文:Want and are willing to stick closely to the pattern given apple of Sodom down at one stroke short-lived business level single-line battle array in double harness Suspicions create imaginary fears. is a common eye does not see the net evade all responsibility as easy as ABC deny all knowledge of an event...

一身二任 任职务,责任。一个人担任两项职务或同时承担两项任务。亦作"一身而二任"。 七十二变 避君三舍 舍古代计量单位,舍里。指退让和回避 金人三缄 比喻因有...对应英文:Hold two posts simultaneously positions, responsibility. A person as two positions or take two tasks at the same time. Also as "in double harness". Seventy-two avoid Jun three shekels to ancient unit of measurement, the cottage. The concession and avoid Jinrensanjian metaphor for...

又吾所谓劳力者,若立吾家而力不足,则心又劳也,一身而二任焉,虽圣者不可能也译文他又说「功劳大的,用来供养自己的东西才能多,妻子和儿女都要我来养活,既然我的能力薄...对应英文:And I called the labor person, if the home is weak, heart pain, in double harness it, although one may not also translation he said "great credit, to support their own things to his wife and children, I should support, since my thin ability...

月晕而风 油然而生 引而不发 引领而望 易子而食 一蹴而就 一哄而散 因人而异 一身而二任 一而再,再而三 一概而论 一挥而成 信而好古 勇而无谋 学而时习之 掩鼻而过 要...对应英文:A halo just indicate the motions arise spontaneously crane one's neck to look forward exchange sons to accomplish at one stroke differ from man to man break up in an uproar in double harness over and over again lump together be brave but have no plans Yihuiercheng believing in and admiring the ancients learning proficiency for officialdom and their noses to...



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