

含着骨头露着肉对应英文:Beat about the bush

歇后语含着骨头露着肉--吞吞吐吐对应英文:Xiehouyu beat about the Bush - mutter and mumble

含着骨头露着肉--吞吞吐吐 孙二娘开店--谋财害命对应英文:Beat about the Bush -- Sun Erniang -- for his money shop mutter and mumble



频繁用鱼捞,结果金鱼在鱼捞中挣扎,把腹鳍给弄伤了,然后伤口就开始发炎腐烂掉肉,鱼刺骨头露出,最后连腹鳍那根鱼刺都完全脱落了。解决办法病鱼捞出单独养,老水,供氧...对应英文:Frequent with fish, fish struggling in the fish, the pelvic fins to hurt, and then the wound began to inflammation rotting meat, fish bones sticking out, finally the pelvic fins that are completely off the fishbone. Solution to the disease alone raising fish, old water, oxygen...

乌龟。蜗牛没有腿对应英文:Tortoise. The snail has no legs

常用以形容少女面对意中人稍带娇羞但又无限关切的表情。 含着骨头露着肉 比喻说话半吞半吐,不把意思完全说出来。 含血喷人 比喻捏造事实陷害别人。 含英咀华 咀细嚼...对应英文:Used to describe young girls face someone slightly shy but infinite expression of concern. Beat about the Bush metaphor half concealing, don't exactly say. Make slanderous charges at sb. metaphor concoctive fact harm others. Ju you study and relish the beauties of literature...

汤或一杯开水,然后从喜欢吃的食物开始夹起。 .选择较费事的食物,如吃带骨的鸡肉比鸡丁好。 .食物至少咀嚼-次才吞咽。 .吃到八分饱后绝不勉强再吃。 .吃过东西...对应英文:Soup or a cup of boiling water, and like to eat food from the beginning to pick up. Choose the more trouble the food, such as chicken bones to eat better than minced chicken. . at least to chew food - times before swallowing. . not eat after eight full force. Eat anything...

用棉签把伤口清理干净,有条件可以用双氧水或生理盐水擦下,没用的话用干净的清水,等伤口稍微晾下再涂药,要是没金霉素,也可以用云南白药,不用怕舔。脓再出来不用管,一天...对应英文:With a cotton swab to clean up the wound, the conditions can be used in hydrogen peroxide or saline wipe, useless words with clean water, slightly dry wound to medicine, if no aureomycin, can also with Yunnan Baiyao, don't be afraid to lick. The pus out again without tube, a day...

楼主您好您可以先给它用棉签涂点药酒就可以不要太多涂完药酒后您可以先给它换个盒子不要让它乱出盒子一个月之内不沾染什么脏的东西的话,楼主不用担心,小东西会好的,没...对应英文:Landlord hello you can give it with a cotton swab coated point wine can not too much finished medicine drink you can give it a box don't let it out the box within a month is not contaminated by what dirty things, you don't have to worry about, small things will be OK, no...

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