

好女不嫁二夫对应英文:Good women do not marry two husband

听没听说过这句古话,"好女不嫁二夫,忠臣不事二主"如果你没听过,那说明你一定很年轻,要知道这句话在过去可是无人不知、无人不晓啊。如果你听过,那就很容易理解了...对应英文:Ever heard the old saying, "good women do not marry two husband, no matter the two main" if you haven't heard, that you must be very young, you know this sentence in the past but no one I do not know, unmanned not dawn. If you heard, it is easy to understand...

就是一匹好马只能按一个马鞍,一个好女孩儿只能加一个丈夫。对应英文:It is a good horse only by a saddle, a good girl can only add a husband.

其实我个人觉得这个说法虽然不对,但是应该是符合人性的。因为从男女的生理特点就能看出来了。从人类的进化过程来看,男(雄)性的任务就是不断的去寻求异性进行交配"播种...对应英文:I personally think that although not, but should be consistent with human nature. Because of the physiological characteristics of women and men can see. In the course of human evolution, male (male) of the task is to seek a mate "sowing...

能嫁二夫的那就表示不专一了嘛!不专一的人怎么算是好女啊而且身体也要被个男人。。。那就更不算是好女了对应英文:Can marry two husband that means not exclusively! Why not single-minded man is a good woman, and the body also is a man... It is not a good girl

一般来说是"好女不嫁二夫",但是"忠臣不事二主"语出《名贤集》,全句是"一马不鞴双鞍,忠臣不事二主"。 《名贤集》六言集 既读孔孟之书,必达周公之礼。君子敬而无失,与人...对应英文:Generally it is "good women do not marry two husband", but "no two masters" from "name Xian Ji", "a whole sentence is not an double saddle, loyal cannot serve two masters". "Wise set" six words set not only read Kong Mengzhi, the Duke of Zhou rites will be reached. A gentleman without loss of respect, and people...

不认同,因为男的离过婚,经验足,失去了才懂得珍惜,所以不认同。男对应英文:Do not agree, because the man divorced, experience, and lost only know how to cherish, so don't agree. Male

诗意此卦一弓架两箭之象。凡事再合则吉也。  解曰不出重重。事由天命。振放中开。切宜谨守。   家宅→损失 自身→是非 求财→劳力 交易→谨防 婚姻→再合 ...对应英文:This hexagram poetic a bow like two arrows. All things and Kyrgyzstan also. The solution is not out with. Reasons of destiny. Vibration is put in the open. Cutting should keep. Home - loss itself, is not wealth, labor trade, beware of marriage, and then close the...

一女嫁二夫。风评当然不好,一弓搭两箭,自然难以射中目标。所以你最好就一条心学下去尽早出师比较好。对应英文:Two married a woman who. Comments of course is not good, a bow two arrows, natural difficult to hit the target. So you'd better have a good mind go out as soon as possible.

你是想问事业还是姻缘呢一签一事,不要混搭,麻烦你说说你到底所求何事。对应英文:You want to ask career or marriage. A sign a thing, don't mix the trouble, tell us your opinion what you seek.

不出重重。事由天命。振六中开。切宜谨守。 仓龙乃星名,东方七宿之首,后之九衢意通达之处,若吾所料无差,此句应为"谁知苍龙下九衢"。此卦应有左右逢源事情顺畅之意。但...对应英文:Not all. Reasons of destiny. Vibration of six open. Cutting should keep. Cang Long Naixing, seven places in the East for the first time, after Qu nine meaning access points, if I expected no difference, this sentence should be "who knows next Qu nine dragon". This diagram should be both things smooth. But...


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