

祭神如神在对应英文:Worship God in
  祭神如神在   拼音:    解释: 祭:祭祀;如:好像;在:存在。祭祀神灵时就象神灵真的存在一样。形容用心虔诚。  




祭神如神在。子曰'吾不与祭,如不祭。'"今译祭祀祖先就如同祖先真在那里,祭祀神就如同神真在那里。孔子说"我如果不亲自参加祭祀,(由别人代祭)那就如同不祭祀一样。对应英文:Worship God in. The master said, "I consider my not being present at the sacrifice, as if I did not sacrifice." '"the ancestor worship as Zu Xianzhen there, worship God as God there. Confucius said "if I do not personally participate in worship, (by others offering) that is not sacrifice.

祭神就好像神灵真的在面前。孔子说,"我不参加祭祀,就和没有举行祭祀一样。"对应英文:God is like God in front. Confucius said, "I don't participate in worship, and without a sacrifice. "

祭祀祖先就如同祖先真在那里,祭祀神就如同神真在那里。孔子说"我如果不亲自参加祭祀,(由别人代祭)那就如同不祭祀一样。对应英文:Ancestor worship like Zu Xianzhen in there, worship God as God there. Confucius said "if I do not personally participate in worship, (by others offering) that is not sacrifice.

如儒教孔子所言'祭如在,祭神如神在。'我祭祀鬼神,鬼神就在这儿。又说'如在其上',拜祭鬼神,鬼神就在上面。'如在其左右',又好像在左右似的。'如'是你这样想像,你想他好...对应英文:Such as Confucianism Confucius said 'offerings such as, worship God in. 'I worship spirits, ghosts here. Added 'as in the worship of ghosts and gods, ghosts and gods', in the above. 'as the left and right', it seemed like the right. 'if' is you imagine, you want him...

祭神如神在。子曰'吾不与祭,如不祭。'" 今译祭祀祖先就如同祖先真在那里,祭祀神就如同神真在那里。孔子说"我如果不亲自参加祭祀,(由别人代祭)那就如同不祭祀一样。...对应英文:Worship God in. The master said, "I consider my not being present at the sacrifice, as if I did not sacrifice." '"the ancestor worship as Zu Xianzhen there, worship God as God there. Confucius said "if I do not personally participate in worship, (by others offering) that is not sacrifice. ...

有人问孔子的"谛"是怎么回事,孔子说,我不知道。我要是知道这个,那么天下的大事就像在我手中一样。对应英文:Someone asked Confucius "truth" is how to return a responsibility, Confucius said, I don't know. If I had known this, then the world events like in my hands.

弟子规中的     丧事尽了礼节   祭奠要诚心  对待死者如对待生者要一样对应英文:Disciple rules of etiquette funeral as memorial to sincerely treat the dead as to living to be the same

这句话是倒装结构,正确顺序应为"哀之如吾者",意思是"像我这样悲伤的人",所以"的"为定语后置的标志。对应英文:This sentence is flip chip structure, the correct order should be "sad as I", meaning "sad people" like me ", so" attributive rear logo.

【国学网】征集本问题的答案。谢谢。 国学网,中国公益国学品牌网站,欢迎你的支持参与。对应英文:[this problem for a Ancient Chinese Literature Search net] answer. Thank you. Ancient Chinese Literature Search network, public Ancient Chinese Literature Search brand website Chinese, welcome your support and participation.

美食节 运动会 圣诞晚会 社团招新 化妆舞会 怎么扯怎么写呗对应英文:Food Festival games Christmas party community recruit new masquerade how pull how to write


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