

开弓不放箭对应英文:Draw the bow but not discharge the arrow

开弓不放箭----( 虚张声势)对应英文:Empty threat - (make an empty show of strength)

跃跃欲试虚张声势对应英文:Make an empty show of strength itch for a try

开弓不放箭--虚张声势对应英文:Empty threat -- make an empty show of strength

虚张声势对应英文:Make an empty show of strength

开弓不放箭--跃跃欲试虚张声势对应英文:Empty threat -- make an empty show of strength itch for a try

八级工拜师傅--精益求精 八月十五的月亮--正大光明 开弓不放箭 --虚张声势 木匠带枷--自作自受 秦琼卖马--忍痛割爱 阿斗当皇帝--软弱无能对应英文:Level eight - fifteen August. Thanks to master refine on the moon - be open and aboveboard empty threat -- make an empty show of strength -- reap the fruits of one's actions Qin Qiong carpenter shackled horse -- very reluctantly what it treasures fools when Emperor, weak

楼上说的经典"拉""放",其实还是有技巧的,要先炼臂力,然后是感觉,最后就可以射了,不过也是要天分的对应英文:Upstairs to say "pull" classic "put", in fact, still has the skill, to build muscle, and is feeling, finally can shoot, but also to talent

东南竹箭 东箭南金 乱箭攒心 似箭在弦 光阴似箭 光阴如箭 南金东箭 如箭在弦 开弓不放箭 弩下逃箭 归心似箭 归心如箭 折箭为誓 挡箭牌 放冷箭 明枪好躲,暗箭难防 明枪...对应英文:Dongnanzhujian Dongjiannanjin Luanjianzanxin Sijianzaixian the flight of time Time flies. poised to strike a good talent empty threat Nuxiataojian eager anxious to return swear by breaking an arrow shield injure insidiously the gun good, but guns...

光阴如箭 光阴似箭 归心如箭 归心似箭 箭拔弩张 箭不虚发 箭穿雁嘴 箭在弦上 开弓不放箭 乱箭攒心 明枪暗箭 明枪好躲 暗箭难防 明枪容易躲 暗箭最难防 明枪易躲 暗箭...对应英文:The flight of time Time flies. eager anxious to return possible not a single arrow missed its target Jianchuanyanzui go empty threat Luanjianzanxin attack by overt and covert means the gun good but easy to hide the gun stab in the back to prevent the easy to hide the gun stab in the back...

光阴似箭 归心如箭 归心似箭 箭拔弩张 箭不虚发 箭穿雁嘴 箭在弦上 开弓不放箭 乱箭攒心 明枪暗箭 明枪好躲,暗箭难防 明枪容易躲,暗箭最难防 明枪易躲,暗箭难防 南金...对应英文:The flight of time not a single arrow missed its target Jianchuanyanzui eager anxious to return possible imminent empty threat Luanjianzanxin attack by overt and covert means the gun good, but easy to hide the gun stab in the back, the most difficult to easy to hide the gun, but the role of...

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