

猕猴骑土牛对应英文:Be slowly transferred upward

蜗行牛步 猕猴骑土牛 归马放牛 喘月吴牛 吹牛拍马   充栋汗牛 带牛佩犊 槌牛酾酒 版筑饭牛 服牛乘马   对牛鼓簧 风马牛 汗牛塞栋 呼牛呼马 蠒丝牛毛   襟裾马牛...对应英文:At a snail's space be slowly transferred upward stop warfare Chuanyuewuniu boast and flatter Chongdonghanniu Dainiupeidu Chuiniushijiu Banzhufanniu Funiuchengma Duiniuguhuang Irish bull to let people call me what they will Jian silk hair Jinjumaniu...

猕猴骑土牛 (í ó í ǔ ú) 比喻职位提升很慢。 沐猴而冠 (ù ó é à) 沐猴猕猴冠戴帽子。猴子穿衣戴帽,究竟不是真人。比喻虚有其表,形同傀儡。常用来讽刺...对应英文:Be slowly transferred upward (í ó í ǔ ú) metaphor promotion is very slow. A worthless person in imposing attire (ù ó é à) Mu monkey Macaca crown hat. The monkey dress hats, what is not real. Metaphor look impressive but lack real worth, like a puppet. Commonly used to satirize...

骑牛觅牛 蹊田夺牛 齐王舍牛 牛衣岁月 牛听弹琴 亡羊得牛 椎牛飨士 蜗行牛步 猕猴骑土牛 归马放牛 喘月吴牛 吹牛拍马 充栋汗牛 带牛佩犊 槌牛酾酒 版筑饭牛 服牛乘马...对应英文:Qiniuminiu Xitianduoniu Qiwangsheniu Niuyisuiyue Niutingdanqin the gain is greater than the loss Zhuiniuxiangshi at a snail's space be slowly transferred upward stop warfare Chuanyuewuniu boast and flatter Chongdonghanniu Dainiupeidu Chuiniushijiu Banzhufanniu Funiuchengma...

卖狗肉 羊毛出在羊身上 九、猴 沐猴而冠 尖嘴猴腮 猕猴骑土牛 杀鸡吓猴 十、鸡 鸡虫得失 鸡飞蛋打 鸡呜而起 鸡零狗碎 鸡毛蒜皮 呜鸣狗盗 鸡犬不留 鸡犬不宁 鸡犬不惊...对应英文:To sell the wool in the sheep nine, monkey monkey like a worthless person in imposing attire be slowly transferred upward ten kill the chicken to frighten the monkey, chicken fight over trifles all is lost. chicken and chicken feathers and garlic skins bits and pieces to blare a dog to steal not a chicken or dog left peace not to wake the fowls or dogs...

牛头不对马面 骑牛觅牛 蹊田夺牛 齐王舍牛 牛衣岁月 牛听弹琴 亡羊得牛 椎牛飨士 蜗行牛步 猕猴骑土牛 归马放牛 喘月吴牛 吹牛拍马 充栋汗牛 带牛佩犊 槌牛酾酒 版筑...对应英文:Pick the wrong horse Qiniuminiu Xitianduoniu Qiwangsheniu Niuyisuiyue Niutingdanqin the gain is greater than the loss Zhuiniuxiangshi at a snail's space be slowly transferred upward stop warfare Chuanyuewuniu boast and flatter Chongdonghanniu Dainiupeidu Chuiniushijiu version of the building...

也比喻白费力气。 猕猴骑土牛 比喻职位提升很慢。 杀鸡吓猴 杀鸡给猴子看。比喻用惩罚一个人的办法来警告别的人。 杀鸡儆猴 杀鸡给猴子看。比喻用惩罚一个人的办法来...对应英文:It can also be used in vain. Be slowly transferred upward analogy promotion is very slow. To kill the chicken to frighten the monkey a monkey see. Compared with punish a person to the police to bid farewell to the people. Punish someone as a warning to others kill a chicken to the monkey see. Compared with punish a person to...

比喻虚有其表,形同傀儡。常用来讽刺投靠恶势力窃据权位的人。 猕猴骑土牛 比喻职位提升很慢。 弄鬼掉猴 比喻调皮捣蛋。 杀鸡吓猴 杀鸡给猴子看。比喻用惩罚一个人的办...对应英文:Metaphor look impressive but lack real worth, like a puppet. Commonly used to satirize the evil forces seized power in man. Be slowly transferred upward analogy promotion is very slow. Nongguidiaohou metaphor naughty. To kill the chicken to frighten the monkey a monkey see. Compared with punish a person...

歧路亡羊 顺手牵羊 饿虎扑羊 挂羊头,卖狗肉 羊毛出在羊身上 沐猴而冠 尖嘴猴腮 猕猴骑土牛 杀鸡吓猴 鸡虫得失 鸡飞蛋打 鸡呜而起 鸡零狗碎 鸡毛蒜皮 呜鸣狗盗 鸡犬不...对应英文:Qiluwangyang lead away the sheep by the way suddenly and swiftly cry up wine,and sell vinegar wool riding a worthless person in imposing attire monkey like monkeys earthen kill the chicken to frighten the monkey fight over trifles all is lost. chicken in sheep and chicken feathers and garlic skins bits and pieces to blare a dog to steal chicken dog not...

如狼牧羊 歧路亡羊 顺手牵羊 饿虎扑羊 挂羊头,卖狗肉 羊毛出在羊身上 沐猴而冠 尖嘴猴腮 猕猴骑土牛 杀鸡吓猴 鸡虫得失 鸡飞蛋打 鸡呜而起 鸡零狗碎 鸡毛蒜皮 呜鸣狗...对应英文:To rule the people oppressively qiluwangyang lead away the sheep by the way suddenly and swiftly cry up wine,and sell vinegar wool riding a worthless person in imposing attire monkey like monkeys earthen kill the chicken to frighten the monkey fight over trifles all is lost. chicken in sheep and chicken feathers and garlic skins bits and pieces to blare the dog...

〖明·刘基《诚意伯集·登卧龙山写怀二十八韵》〗 猕猴骑土牛,羸马夹双辕。 〖唐·李白《赠宣城赵太守悦》〗 平原十日饮,中散千里游。 〖《文选·陆厥〈奉答内兄希叙〉...对应英文:"Ming Liu Ji Burji den wrote" sincerity Wolong mountain with twenty-eight rhyme "" be slowly transferred upward, Lei vest shafts. "Don Li Bai" Xuancheng Zhao Yue "the gift" plain ten day water, bulk thousand swim. "The" selected works of Lu Jue 'was a brother-in-law hopes that'...



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