

少花钱多办事对应英文:Do more with less

杠杆原理的定义之一就是是能够少花钱多办事。对应英文:One definition of leverage is the ability to do more with less.

近二十年来,公共部门的改革,使他们已经不适应“少花钱多办事”的理念;对应英文:In the recent twenty years, the reform of public sector, so that they can not adapt to the "more with less" concept;

首席行政官基姆·波斯(Jim Poss)说,“城市和大学一类的机构,以及公园系统,都渴望少花钱多办事。”对应英文:Chief executive Kim Bos (Jim Poss) said, "city and university type institutions, as well as the park system, are eager to do more with less."

很显然,通过精兵简政、"少花钱多办事",以获取更强的条理性和稳健型的号召,在日常的IT与电气的执行混乱中,是经常被人遗忘的。对应英文:Obviously, the have better troops and simpler administration, "more with less", order and sanity to obtain stronger appeal, in day-to-day IT and electrical implementation of chaos, is often forgotten.

近二十年来,公共部门的改革,使他们已经不适应“少花钱多办事”的理念;对应英文:In the recent twenty years, the reform of public sector, so that they can not adapt to the "more with less" concept;

在需求疲软的时期,提高盈利的最重要因素是少花钱多办事。对应英文:In periods of slack demand, the most important factor in increasing the profit is to do more with less.

并且,作为一名前经济学家,她在‘少花钱多办事’方面是一位权威。对应英文:And, as a former economist, she was' more with less' is an authority.

然而,同样明显的是,无休止地要求少花钱多办事最终可能会造成破坏性影响。对应英文:However, it is also evident, the endless demands do more with less money could eventually have a damaging effect.

首席行政官基姆·波斯(Jim Poss)说,“城市和大学一类的机构,以及公园系统,都渴望少花钱多办事。”对应英文:Chief executive Kim Bos (Jim Poss) said, "city and university type institutions, as well as the park system, are eager to do more with less."

也许比任何其他知名的高等教育机构,我们宾大知道如何少花钱多办事。对应英文:Perhaps more than any other well-known institutions of higher education ", we know how to do more with less.

组织的激励指数少花钱多办事是全世界各个工作场所中经常使用的一句口头禅。对应英文:Organizational motivation index less frequently use each work all over the world places a pet phrase.


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