

使功不如使过对应英文:To work as the

用有功劳的人不如用有过错的人来的妥当。因为有功劳的人会自满,会得意,搞不好会办坏事,就算成功了,以后就不好控制了。而有过错的不同,因为他曾经出错,所以再次办事的...对应英文:For a man of merit than with the fault to the appropriate person. Because a man of merit will be complacent, will be proud of, do bad meeting to do bad things, even if successful, will not control. And the fault is different, because he was wrong, so once again...

派以前犯过错误的人 去办事比派老功臣去办事效率要高,果然是这样啊。对应英文:Pie made mistakes before the people to work than to send the old ones to the efficiency to be high, and it was so.

使者 天使对应英文:Angel angel

意思是使用有功劳的人不如使用犯过错误的人。(因为犯过错误的人肯定希望有所建树以改变自己的地位) 好像出自《后汉书·索卢放传》对应英文:This means using a man of merit than the use of mistakes people. (because of mistakes people must want to build something to change their status as ") from the later Han Dynasty, Lu Chuan" on cable

联闻,使功不如使过。--《旧唐书·李靖传》 造父巧于使马。--《韩诗外传》 尚贤使能。--《荀子·王制》 . 又如使费(使用钱财)使低嘴(说坏话)使不着(用不着)使民(使用...对应英文:Lian Wen, make work as the. -- "Old Tang Lee Jing Chuan" Cepheid in the horse. -- "hanshiwaizhuan" Shangxian enable. -- "Xunzi king". As the fee (use money) to low (say) the mouth not (don't) make people (use...

神差鬼使 好象有鬼神在支使着一样,不自觉地做了原先没想到要做的事。 使功不如使过 使用。使用有功绩的人,不如使用有过失的人,使其能将功补过。 使羊将狼 将统率,...对应英文:Messengers of the gods and spirits like ghosts in the same order, unconsciously done didn't expect to do. Make work than to use. Using the achievement person, can use others for their faults, which can make amends. Fail to command the command,...

即使战胜敌人,挽救国家,也比不上施行忠义来得高贵。对应英文:Even if the victory over the enemy, to save the country, also is not performed more noble loyalty.

联闻,使功不如使过。--《旧唐书·李靖传》 造父巧于使马。--《韩诗外传》 尚贤使能。--《荀子·王制》 又如使费(使用钱财)使低嘴(说坏话)使不着(用不着)使民(使用民力...对应英文:Lian Wen, make work as the. -- "Old Tang Lee Jing Chuan" Cepheid in the horse. -- "hanshiwaizhuan" Shangxian enable. -- "Xunzi king" as the fee (use money) to low (say) the mouth not (don't) make people (the use of force...

联闻,使功不如使过。--《旧唐书·李靖传》造父巧于使马。--《韩诗外传》尚贤使能。--《荀子·王制》又如使费(使用钱财)使低嘴(说坏话)使不着(用不着)使民(使用民力)...对应英文:Lian Wen, make work as the. -- "Old Tang Lee Jing Chuan" Cepheid in the horse. -- "hanshiwaizhuan" Shangxian enable. -- "Xunzi king" as the fee (use money) to low (say) the mouth not (don't) make people (with people)...

光外功不修内力,那年龄稍大则体能见差,不能以功力弥补,遇到水平相当的人就不行了(对付外行打裆插眼不用太打力气)只练内力而不习体术则更要不得,你力气是打,连人家都...对应英文:Light external work didn't fix the internal force, the older the physical poor see, not to make up a considerable level of skill, meet people not (against amateur play crotch inserted eyes don't play strength) only exercise without learning operation is more bad, your strength is playing, even people...


文学   相关文献 万方数据期刊论文"用人不疑"和"使功不如使过" - 管理学家(实践版) - 2010 ( 2 ) 万方数据期刊论文使功不如使过 - 人力资源 - 2007 ( 21 ) 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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