

瓦罐不离井口破对应英文:Not from the mouth of the well broken jar

古人常用瓦罐在井口取水, 这样在井口被磕碎的几率当然非常大了 大将总在战场领兵作战,阵亡的几率也自然很大. 也就是我们常说的 常在河边走, 难免不湿鞋 的意思对应英文:The ancients used in wellhead water jar, so in the wellhead is likely knock broken certainly very big general total combat on the battlefield troops killed, the probability of natural greatly. It was often in the river walk, is not wet shoe

与什么打交道多了,难免会吃亏. 有这么一句话 淹死的都是会水的,类似对应英文:And what deal, will inevitably suffer. So a word all will be drowned in water, similar

正是瓦罐不离井上破,强人必在镝前亡。"亦作" 瓦罐不离井口破 "。 第一百零四回 段家庄重招新女婿 房山寨双并旧强人 第一百零四回 选自...对应英文:It is not from the wells on the broken jar, strong will in Dy before death. "Or" not broken jar from the mouth of the well". 104th back home grave new recruit son-in-law Fangshan Zhai double and old strongman 104th back from...

京师百姓从刽子手手中抢夺袁公之肉剩啖之,百姓争购其肉,剖其肠胃,喝其生血,"犹唾骂不已"。哀哉!袁公!对应英文:The executioner, why people from grabbing scraps of meat taste, people rush to purchase the meat, the profile of the stomach, drink the blood, "still reviled at". Alas! Yuan gong!

瓦罐不离井上破 将军难免阵前亡 算是民间俗语吧 古时用瓦罐打水,一般总是在打水提罐子的时候最容易破损,所以一般就是碎在井边上 从军之人,刀枪不长眼,马革裹尸还也是...对应英文:Jug not well before death is inevitable to break the general folk saying it in ancient times by the water, always in the water extraction jar when the most easily damaged, so in general is broken on the edge of the well from the people, and not long eye, die on the battlefield but also...

后以"瓦罐不离井上破"谓汲水的瓦罐终将破碎于井上,含有势所必至之意。汲水的瓦罐免不了在井口打破,比喻担着风险干事难免会失手。高阳《胡雪岩全传&...对应英文:After the "crock cannot well break" that the water jar will break in the well, contain is bound to come. The water jug inevitably in the wellhead to break, metaphor risk officer will inevitably. Gaoyang "biography of Hu Xueyan

后以"瓦罐不离井上破"谓汲水的瓦罐终将破碎于井上,含有势所必至之意。汲水的瓦罐免不了在井口打破,比喻担着风险干事难免会失手。高阳《胡雪岩全传平步青云》中写道...对应英文:After the "crock cannot well break" that the water jar will break in the well, contain is bound to come. The water jug inevitably in the wellhead to break, metaphor risk officer will inevitably. Wrote "biography of Hu Xueyan" in Gaoyang rapidly go up in the world...

后以"瓦罐不离井上破"谓汲水的瓦罐终将破碎于井上,含有势所必至之意。汲水的瓦罐免不了在井口打破,比喻担着风险干事难免会失手。高阳《胡雪岩全传平步青...对应英文:After the "crock cannot well break" that the water jar will break in the well, contain is bound to come. The water jug inevitably in the wellhead to break, metaphor risk officer will inevitably. Gaoyang "biography of Hu Xueyan all the way to the top...

有句话是"瓦罐不离井口破,将军难免阵前亡",意思是用来在井边打水的瓦罐经常会在井口变磕碰被打烂,打仗的将军也难免在战场上被杀身亡,做某样事情结局基本上都是注定的...对应英文:A sentence is "not broken crock from the mouth of the well, the general is to perish", meaning is used in the well and hit the water jug often in wellhead variable bump broken, the war on the battlefield general is killed, something ends basically is doomed...

明知必死也要赴死。以自己的死来重创天道! "瓦罐不离井口破,大将难免阵前亡,战死是修者的最终归宿!" "杀!" 诸神杀上了天道! 辰南痛苦地闭上了双眼!结果是能够想象的,...对应英文:Knowing that death will die. With his death hit heaven! "From the mouth of the well broken jar not, will inevitably before death, death is the end result of repair!" "kill!" the gods kill on the heaven! The Chen South painfully close my eyes! The results can be imagined,...


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