

万事劝人休瞒昧对应英文:Everything is lawful for a man to deceive confused

万事劝人休瞒昧,举头三尺有神明。人一辈子不可能不撒谎,不可能不欺骗,但不能损害别人的利益。学会宽容和换位思考你也会得到不同的快乐和收获。对应英文:Everything is lawful for a man to deceive confused, JuTou three feet gods. Human life can not lie, can not be deceived, but the interests of others can't damage. Learn to be tolerant and transposition thinking you will get different harvest and happiness.

下句是举头三尺有神明对应英文:The next sentence is JuTou three feet gods

劝人做任何事都不要昧良心,在你的头上三尺处有神明看着你呢。对应英文:To persuade people to do anything not to injure conscience, three feet over your head God is looking at you.

说话不老实,言而无信,欺瞒哄骗的人,迟早要倒霉的.受骗者一经受骗,就会总结经验,不会再受第二次骗.有的还可能来个"以牙还牙,以眼还眼".对应英文:Don't speak frankly, fail to keep faith, deception to deceive the people, sooner or later be bad. Once deceived deceived, will sum up experience, won't be second cheat. Some may also come to "answer blows with blows, an eye for an eye"

这个不是一起的。应该是"万事劝人休瞒昧,举头三尺有神明"。这是一句古代格言对应英文:This not together. "Everything should be lawful for a man to deceive confused, JuTou three feet gods". This is an ancient proverb

人可欺,天不可欺. ()公门里面好修行,半夜敲门心不惊。 善恶到头终有报,举头三尺有神明"。 ()万事劝人休瞒昧,举头三尺有神明.对应英文:People can be bullied, days will not be bullied. () the door inside good practice, you need not fear a knock on the door at night. Good and evil will always be rewarded, JuTou three feet gods". () all lawful for a man to deceive confused, JuTou three feet gods

与人不和,劝人养鹅,与人不睦,劝人架屋"是《增广贤文》里的一段。 "与人不和,劝人养鹅"鹅,古代既是家禽,还是看家守门之物。有吉祥之义。"与人不睦,劝人架屋"...对应英文:Conflict with others, to persuade people goose, and people don't agree, advised people to frame house "is" a kind of "augmented. "Conflict with others, to persuade people goose" goose, ancient is poultry, or the object. Auspicious meaning. "And people don't agree, advised people to frame house"...

如果硬要说有那也只是一两句吧。 我查了一下,你看这句对不对"万事劝人休瞒昧,举头三尺有神明"解释为不要以为自己干了见不得人的事不说给别人听就过关了,在每个人的...对应英文:If you insist that only one or two sentences. I checked, you see this sentence right "everything is lawful for a man to deceive confused, JuTou three feet gods" interpreted as don't think stem his shameful not to listen to others through, for every person in the...

己。因为"规则"是没有情绪的。 同样"因果"也是一种"规则",只是太多人因为过于相信"自我",而否定"规则",认为感受不到就不存在,这就好像蒙着眼睛说太阳不存在一样无明。...对应英文:Oneself. Because the "rules" is not in the mood. The same "cause and effect" is also a "rule", but too many people too believe that "self", and "rules" that the negative, do not feel does not exist, it is like blindfolded said that the sun does not exist as ignorance. ...

一个人在世,为善为恶,到头来总是有报应的。 此词所集四句,教师用来劝世的,劝人要行善,尤其是在公门里做事的人,更要好好修行,莫要弄权使势,为非作歹。对应英文:A person alive, good and evil, in the end is always right. The term set of the four sentence, the teacher used to persuade the world, advised people to do good, especially in the public, people who do things, more to be good practice, don't to make potential, do evil all kinds of evils.


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