

乌头白马生角对应英文:Aconitum white head
乌头白马生角,拼为wū tóu bái mǎ shēng jiǎo,比喻不可能出现的事。出自《史记•刺客列传》。拼 音 wū tóu bái mǎ shēng jiǎo   

世言荆轲,其称太子丹之命,'天雨粟,马生角'也,太过。"司马贞索隐"《燕丹子》曰'丹求归,秦王曰"乌头白,马生角,乃许耳。"丹及仰天叹,乌头即白,马亦...对应英文:The word Jing Ke, called the Prince Dan of life, 'the grain rain, a corner', too. "Sima Zhen" on the "Yan Danzi" said 'Dan for return, Qin Yue "Aconitum white, a corner, but Xu ears. "Dan and his sigh, aconite or white, horse also...

天雨粟,马生角'也,太过。"司马贞索隐"《燕丹子》曰'丹求归,秦王曰"乌头白,马生角,乃许耳。"丹及仰天叹,乌头即白,马亦生角。'《风俗...对应英文:The grain rain, a corner ', too. "Sima Zhen" on the "Yan Danzi" said 'Dan for return, Qin Yue "Aconitum white, a corner, but Xu ears. "Dan and his sigh, aconite and white horse, Yisheng angle. Customs.

天粟马角 铜围铁马 乌白马角 舞刀跃马 五花杀马 文君司马 万马奔腾 五马分尸 万马齐喑 问牛知马 乌头白马生角 乌头白,马生角 乌头马角 乌焉成马 问羊知马 洗兵牧马 选...对应英文:Day horse angle corn Tongweitiema Wubaimajiao Wudaoyuema miscellaneous kill the horse Wenjunsima Ten thousand steeds gallop. quartered Ten thousand horses stand mute. Wenniuzhima Aconitum Aconitum white horse head, Ma Shengjiao Wutoumajiao Wenyangzhima Xibingmuma selected printer's error...

土牛木马 天粟马角 铜围铁马 乌白马角 舞刀跃马 五花杀马 文君司马 万马奔腾 五马分尸 万马齐喑 问牛知马 乌头白马生角 乌头白,马生角 乌头马角 乌焉成马 问羊知马 洗...对应英文:Clay oxen and wooden horses day horse angle corn Tongweitiema Wubaimajiao Wudaoyuema miscellaneous kill the horse Wenjunsima Ten thousand steeds gallop. quartered Ten thousand horses stand mute. Wenniuzhima Aconitum Aconitum white horse head, Ma Shengjiao Wutoumajiao printer's error Wenyangzhima wash...

乌白马角 舞刀跃马 五花杀马 文君司马 万马奔腾 五马分尸 万马齐喑 问牛知马 乌头白马生角 乌头白,马生角 乌头马角 乌焉成马 问羊知马 洗兵牧马 选兵秣马 悬兵束马 香...对应英文:Wubaimajiao Wudaoyuema miscellaneous kill the horse Wenjunsima Ten thousand steeds gallop. quartered Ten thousand horses stand mute. Wenniuzhima Aconitum Aconitum white horse head, Ma Shengjiao Wutoumajiao printer's error Wenyangzhima Xibingmuma Xuanbingmoma suspended soldiers bunch of horse incense...

乌鸟私情乌鸟古时传说,小乌能反哺老乌。比喻侍奉尊亲的孝心。乌头白马生角比喻不可能出现的事。乌飞兔走...乌天黑地犹言昏天黑地。比喻社会黑暗。乌头白,马生角比喻不可...对应英文:Filial piety blackbird ancient legend, small black can feedback old black. Metaphors serve elders of filial piety. Aconitum white horned analogy may not appear. Time flies... Wutianheidi pitch-dark words. Figurative the darkness of society. Aconitum white, a metaphor not angle...

深切着白 脱白挂绿 天清日白 乌白马角 望断白云 乌头白马生角 乌头白,马生角 须发皆白 心贯白日 须眉交白 虚室生白 以白诋青 月白风清 牙白口清 以白为黑 阳春白雪 压...对应英文:Shenqiezhebai Tuobaigualv Tianqingribai Wubaimajiao Wangduanbaiyun Aconitum Aconitum white head white, Ma Shengjiao white hair and beard Xinguanbairi Xumeijiaobai empty the heart and mind Yibaidiqing beautiful night speak articulately take white for black spring snow pressure...

铜围铁马 乌白马角 舞刀跃马 五花杀马 文君司马 万马奔腾 五马分尸 万马齐喑 问牛知马 乌头白马生角 乌头白,马生角 乌头马角 乌焉成马 问羊知马 洗兵牧马 选兵秣马 悬...对应英文:Tongweitiema Wubaimajiao Wudaoyuema miscellaneous kill the horse Wenjunsima Ten thousand steeds gallop. quartered Ten thousand horses stand mute. Wenniuzhima Aconitum Aconitum white horse head, Ma Shengjiao Wutoumajiao printer's error Wenyangzhima Xibingmuma Xuanbingmoma suspension...

文君司马 万马奔腾 五马分尸 万马齐喑 问牛知马 乌头白马生角 乌头白,马生角 乌头马角 乌焉成马 问羊知马 洗兵牧马 选兵秣马 悬兵束马 香车宝马 鲜车健马 鲜车怒马 悬...对应英文:Wenjunsima Ten thousand steeds gallop. quartered Ten thousand horses stand mute. Wenniuzhima Aconitum Aconitum white horse head, Ma Shengjiao Wutoumajiao printer's error Wenyangzhima Xibingmuma Xuanbingmoma suspended soldiers bunch of horse of BMW Xianchejianma lavish service suspension...

深切著白 深切着白 脱白挂绿 天清日白 乌白马角 望断白云 乌头白马生角 乌头白,马生角 须发皆白 心贯白日 须眉交白 虚室生白 以白诋青 月白风清 牙白口清 以白为黑 阳...对应英文:Shenqiezhuobai Shenqiezhebai Tuobaigualv Tianqingribai Wubaimajiao Wangduanbaiyun Aconitum Aconitum white head white, Ma Shengjiao white hair and beard Xinguanbairi Xumeijiaobai empty the heart and mind Yibaidiqing beautiful night speak articulately take white for black yang...



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