

薰莸不同器对应英文:Fragrant herbs and stinking weeds must be kept in separate vessels
薰莸不同器,拼为xūn yóu bù tóng qì,指香草和臭草不可以放在一个器物里。比喻好和坏不能共处。出自《孔子家语•观思》。 

成语中只有"熏莸不同器"和"熏莸同器"两个成语。 熏第一声,义为香草。莸第二声,义为臭草。 熏莸不同器香草和臭草不能放在同一个器物中。比喻好的和坏的不能共存...对应英文:The idiom "smoked only into different device" and "Xunyoutongqi" two idioms. Smoked first sound, meaning of vanilla. You second sound, meaning is smelly grass. Smoked Bluebeard is different herbs and smelly grass cannot be in the same artifacts. Parable good and bad can not coexist...

嗯,本尊显身好长时间不写了挖了两个坑也弃了目前没填土的打算所以,采纳我的回答吧对应英文:Well, I showed good long time no write dug two pit abandoned the no fill plan so, accept my answer

.古书上说的一种香草,又泛指花草的香气~莸不同器(香草和臭草不能放在一个器物里,喻好和坏不能共存。亦称"熏莸异器")对应英文:. a vanilla said in ancient books, also refers to the aroma of flowers ~ you different device (known good and bad can not coexist with vanilla and smelly grass cannot be put in a utensil. Also known as "smoked into different device")

织草何知,尚熏莸而相假"由宋真宗监堂的全国联考殿试中有个考生在试卷中说了上面的话,结果考了第一名.解释"陛下您是天生异秉,应而考虑自己的需求而才去做,而可知那些...对应英文:Woven grass what know, still smoked Bluebeard and false "by Song Zhenzong Hall of the national entrance exam candidates in prison have a candidates said in the paper, the test results of the first. To explain" Your Majesty is a natural gifts, should consider their own needs and to do it, but know that...

香草与臭草收藏在同一容器内。比喻好人与坏人共处。 【熏莸异器】见"熏莸不同器"。 【熏莸异器】见"熏莸不同器"。 【玉琢成器】琢雕。玉石只有经过雕琢,才能成器物。...对应英文:Vanilla and smelly grass collection in the same container. Compared to good and bad. [i] see "different is smoked smoked into different device". [i] see "different is smoked smoked into different device". [a] cut carved jade carving. Jade carving only after, can become objects. ...

器物小,容易满。原指酒量小。后比喻器量狭小,容易自满。 熏莸不同器 熏莸香草和臭草。比喻好和坏不能共处。 熏莸同器 熏香草莸臭草。香草与臭草收藏在同一容器内...对应英文:Objects with small, easy. Refers to the original a little. After the parable narrow-minded, easily complacent. I smoked smoked is different Caryopteris vanilla and smelly grass. A good analogy and bad cannot coexist. Xunyoutongqi smoked vanilla you smelly grass. Vanilla and smelly grass collection in the same container...

投鼠忌器 器宇轩昂 大器晚成 器宇不凡 积厚成器 器小易盈 器满则覆 器二不匮 藏器待时 器满意得 上根大器 器满将覆 熏莸同器 瑚琏之器 掷鼠忌器 瓦器蚌盘 凡偶近器 斗筲...对应英文:Exercise One's deportment is dignified. late bloomers have extraordinary outward appearance Jihouchengqi A small vessel is easily filled. Qimanzefu Qierbukui a talent waiting for timely use to Shanggendaqi to Xunyoutongqi Hulianzhiqi Zhishujiqi Waqibangpan to narrow mindedness...

小巫见大巫 心之官则思 惺惺惜惺惺 行行出状元 朽木不可雕 学而时习之 学而优则仕 熏莸不同器 熏莸不同器 哑子吃黄连 言语妙天下 眼不见为净 养虎自贻灾 养虎自遗患 ...对应英文:Pale into insignificance by comparison official heart is thinking appreciate each other profession Fools grow without watering. learning proficiency for officialdom family smoked Bluebeard is different is different, I have ineffable sorrows speak incomparably wittily eye does not see the net since a disaster since the legacy of tiger tiger...

文子同升 吴越同舟 小异大同 协力同心 协心同力 心同止水 行合趋同 行同狗豨 行同狗彘 行同能偶 熏莸不同器 熏莸同器 熏莸不同器 熏莸同器 询谋佥同 一辞同轨 一轨同...对应英文:Wenzitongsheng convert an enemy into a friend Xiaoyidatong together Xiexintongli Xintongzhishui Hanghequtong Hangtonggouxi awful behavior Hangtongnengou smoked Bluebeard is different Xunyoutongqi smoked Bluebeard is different Xunyoutongqi Xunmouqiantong Yicitonggui with a rail...

有鼻子有眼 银样蜡枪头 一言以蔽之 一物降一物 一鼻孔出气 一报还一报 熏莸不同器 无毒不丈夫 塔尖上功德 岁寒知松柏 送佛送到西 司马昭之心 水火不兼容 树倒猢狲散 ...对应英文:With every detail vividly described with impressive-looking but useless to sum up in a word yiwujiangyiwu say exactly the same thing requite like for like Smoked into different device non-toxic non husband hierarchy and pines and cypresses send Buddha to the West exposed ambition irreconcilable tree fall apart...


 《孔子家语·观思》:“回闻薰莸不同器而藏,尧桀不共国而治,以其类异也。” 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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