

哑子吃黄连对应英文:Have ineffable sorrows
哑子吃黄连,拼为yǎ zǐ chī huáng lián,比喻有苦说不出。

哑巴吃黄连-有苦说不出-----------这样的话来表示他很苦,现实中,常指人有难言之隐,或者受了别人的气又不能乱对别人说,只能自己憋著。对应英文:Dummy eat Coptis - have cannot say painstakingly - it says he is very bitter, in reality, often with which it would be awkward to disclose, or by other people's anger and can't say to others, only you can.

哑巴吃了,因为不能说话,自然就不能通过语言来表达他的苦了。 这通常比喻一个理亏的人吃了亏后反而不能作声,有苦自知。对应英文:Dummy eat, because cannot speak, naturally can not be expressed by means of language. His bitter. Usually this analogy a wrong person eating but can not be silent, bitter self-knowledge.

贪吃懒做谓又馋又懒。稳吃三注四人赌博,一个人赢三个人的赌注。比喻凭空的大量收获。哑子吃黄连歇后语。比喻有苦说不出。寅吃卯粮这一年吃了下一年的粮。比喻经济困难...对应英文:Lazy glutton that lazy gluttons. Wenchisanzhu four gambling, a person won three stakes. Metaphor a great harvest ". Have ineffable sorrows xiehouyu. He cannot say painstakingly. Eat next year's food this year to eat next year's food. Compares the economic difficulties...

比喻经济困难,收入不够支出,预先支用了以后的进项。比喻指经济困难,入不敷出。 哑子吃黄连 歇后语。比喻有苦说不出。 稳吃三注 四人赌博,一个人赢三个人的赌注。比喻...对应英文:Compares the economic difficulties, insufficient income expenditure, pre support used after the input. Metaphor refers to the economic difficulties, run behind one's expenses. Have ineffable sorrows xiehouyu. He cannot say painstakingly. Wenchisanzhu four gambling, a person won three stakes. Metaphor...

而卜卦前程的情况,就像哑子吃黄连,有苦说不出,这应该是个下签 。其实卜卦之事,不可尽信,卜像如何不要太放心里对应英文:The situation and future of divination, as have ineffable sorrows, have cannot say painstakingly, this should be a sign. In fact, the augury of things, do not letter, like how to don't put heart Bu

不吃混毛猪 .猪八戒吃人参果,全不知滋味 .敬酒不吃吃罚酒 .哑子吃黄连 .靠山吃山,靠水吃水 .吃力不讨好对应英文:Do not eat pork mixed. Pig eating ginseng fruit, all did not know the taste. Do it the hard way. Have ineffable sorrows. Backer has mountain, you live a thankless task

撩蜂吃螫 拈酸吃醋 缺吃短穿 缺吃少穿 少吃俭用 省吃俭用 贪吃懒做 稳吃三注 哑子吃黄连 寅吃卯粮 张公吃酒李公颠 张公吃酒李公醉 争风吃醋 争锋吃醋 自讨苦吃 坐吃山...对应英文:Liao bee sting eat be jealous Quechiduanchuan have not enough for food and clothing to save money on food and expenses lazy glutton Wenchisanzhu have ineffable sorrows eat next year's food Zhang Gong eat wine Li Gongdian Zhang Gong eat wine Li Gongzui jealousy Zhengfengchicu get into sitting on the hill...

最糟糕的是遇着了同道的人,你一抢他就放松,结果虽是"求仁得仁",却变了哑子吃黄连,心里有说不出的苦。不过,悭吝的人也未尝不请客有时候,他们请客的次数要比普通人更多...对应英文:The worst thing is met fellow man, you rob him relax, the result is "get the desired object", but changed have ineffable sorrows, heart unspeakable bitter. However, stingy person also did not treat. Sometimes, they treat the number to more than ordinary people...

跳进黄河洗不清 跳在黄河洗不清 痛饮黄龙 晚节黄花 妄下雌黄 魏紫姚黄 握素披黄 五黄六月 信口雌黄 哑子吃黄连 炎黄子孙 杨生黄雀 姚黄魏品 姚黄魏紫 姚黄魏紫 杳如黄...对应英文:Jump into the the Yellow River wash not clear jump in the Yellow River wash not clear drink like a chrysanthemum in late autumn purple and yellow make improper comments Wosupihuang Wuhuangliuyue make irresponsible remarks have ineffable sorrows all the children of the Yellow Emperor Yang Shenghuangque Yao Huangweipin Yao Yellow and Wei Purple Yao Yellow and Wei Purple Yao as yellow...

言之有理 言之成理 以理服人 振振有词 自圆其说 理亏 不攻自破 理屈词穷 哑口无言 哑子吃黄连 支吾其词 自我解嘲 直率 倾肠倒肚 说一是一 无所顾忌 无所回避 无可讳言...对应英文:It stands to reason. It stands to reason. persuade through reasoning What one says is plausible. make out a good case is in any collapse of itself be rendered speechless have ineffable sorrows prevarication console oneself with soothing remarks Frank to say a is a go all lengths without taboo There is no hiding the fact...


江东老蟫《京本通俗小说·错斩崔宁》:“哑子漫尝黄蘖味,难将苦口对人言。” 相关文献 万方数据期刊论文 男人被强奸,哑子吃黄连? - 恋爱·婚姻·家庭(养生版) - 2011 ( 2 ) 附图 上传图片 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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