

一尺水十丈波对应英文:A foot of water ten feet wave
一尺水十丈波,拼为yī chǐ shuǐ shí zhàng bō,比喻说话夸张,不真实。出自唐•孟郊《君子勿郁郁士有谤毁者作诗以赠之》之一。  一尺水十丈波   拼音: yī chǐ shuǐ shí zhàng bō 简拼: ycsb   近义词:  反义词:    用法: 联合式;作定语、宾语、分句;含贬义   解释: 比喻说话夸张,不真实。   出处: 明・兰陵笑笑生《金瓶梅词话》第88回:“到底还是媒人嘴,一尺水十丈波的。”   例子:    谒后语:     谜语:     成语故事:     相关成语   魔高一尺,道高一丈道高一尺,魔高一丈一尺水十丈波佛高一尺,魔高一丈 让礼一寸,得礼一尺 一尺水翻腾做百丈波 一尺水翻腾做一丈波     




源远流长对应英文:The source is distant and the stream long

字的组词 根水 一口吸尽西江水 一头水 一尺水十丈波 一尺水翻腾做一丈波 一尺水翻腾做百丈波 一廉如水 一方水土养一方人 一水两水 一水儿 一清如水 一溜水 一潭死水 ...对应英文:Word group word root water make smooth reading a water ten feet a foot of water wave a foot waters do a wave a foot waters do Baizhang wave Yilianrushui one side of the water water water water water, a pool of stagnant water a disinterested two...

一成一旅 一尺水十丈波 一筹莫展 一触即发  一触即溃 一传十,十传… 一串骊珠 一床锦被遮盖  一床两好 一锤定音 一锤子买卖 一辞莫赞  一蹴而就 一寸丹心 一寸...对应英文:Ten Zhang narrow in territory and scanty in troops one feet water wave be nonplussed over sth. be triggered at any moment collapse at the first encounter - ten, ten... A bed quilt cover Yichuanlizhu Yichuanglianghao final short-lived business One cannot help by a word. accomplish at one stroke a leaf of red heart...

山重水复、势如水火、问诸水滨、杨花水性 一尺水翻腾做百丈波、一尺水翻腾做一丈波、一尺水十丈波、一碗水端平、油光水滑 盂方水方、鱼大水小、云心水性、自相水火 ...对应英文:Mountains multiply and streams double back, incompatible as fire and water, Wenzhushuibin be of easy virtue, one foot waters do Baizhang wave, a foot waters do Zhang wave, ten feet a foot of water wave, even keeled, sleek Yufangshuifang, a big fish in shallow water, Yunxinshuixing, Zixiangshuihuo...

一倡百和 一唱三叹 一唱一和 一朝天子一朝… 一尘不染 一成不变 一成一旅 一尺水十丈波 一筹莫展 一触即发 一触即溃 一传十,十传… 一串骊珠 一床锦被遮盖 一床两好 ...对应英文:One hundred and Chang sing in chorus with the emperor a sigh... Maintain one's original pure character immutable and frozen narrow in territory and scanty in troops ten feet a foot water wave be nonplussed over sth. be triggered at any moment collapse at the first encounter - ten, ten... A bed quilt cover Yichuanglianghao Yichuanlizhu...

望穿秋水 污泥浊水 万水千山 无源之水,无本之木 问诸水滨 悬河泻水 细水长流 行云流水 一败如水 一尺水十丈波 鱼大水小 盂方水方 一口吸尽西江水 一清如水 远水不救近...对应英文:Looking forward to the trials of a long journey filthy mire passive water without source Wenzhushuibin freely flowing style of writing, have the gift of the gab in be defeated completely in battle one feet water ten feet wave a big fish in shallow water Yufangshuifang make smooth reading disinterested distant water can not save near...

拖泥带水 望穿秋水 污泥浊水 万水千山 无源之水,无本之木 问诸水滨 悬河泻水 细水长流 行云流水 一败如水 一尺水十丈波 鱼大水小 盂方水方 一口吸尽西江水 一清如水 ...对应英文:Looking forward to do things sloppily filthy mire the trials of a long journey water without a source, a freely flowing style of writing Wenzhushuibin have the gift of the gab in be defeated completely in battle one feet water ten feet wave a big fish in shallow water Yufangshuifang make smooth reading disinterested...

一寸光阴一寸金 一触即发 一床锦被遮盖 一触即溃 一长两短 一床两好 一串骊珠 一筹莫展 一辞莫赞 一尺水十丈波 一传十,十传百 一唱三叹 一朝天子一朝臣 一长一短 一唱...对应英文:Time is money be triggered at any moment a bed quilt cover collapse at the first encounter sth. unfortunate, esp. death Yichuanglianghao Yichuanlizhu be nonplussed over sth. One cannot help by a word. ten feet a foot of water wave spread from mouth to mouth sigh the emperor courtier even sing...

一尘不染 一尘不缁 一成不变 一成不易 一成一旅 一弛一张 一尺水翻腾做百丈波 一尺水翻腾做一丈波 一尺水十丈波 一筹莫展 一触即发 一触即溃 一传十,十传百 一串骊珠...对应英文:Maintain one's original pure character Yichenbuzi immutable and frozen Yichengbuyi narrow in territory and scanty in troops Yichiyizhang foot waters do Baizhang wave a foot waters do one Zhang Zhang ten wave one feet water wave be nonplussed over sth. be triggered at any moment collapse at the first encounter spread from mouth to mouth Yichuanlizhu...

水则覆舟 汤里来,水里去 无源之水,无本之木 无源之水,无本之末 问诸水滨 一尺水十丈波 一尺水翻腾做百丈波 一尺水翻腾做一丈波 鱼大水小 盂方水方 油光水滑 杨花水性...对应英文:Water or soup stock, the water source of water, a source of water, not the end of the ten Zhang Wenzhushuibin one feet water wave a foot waters do Baizhang wave a foot waters do a wave a big fish in shallow water Yufangshuifang sleek be of easy virtue...


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