

一杆子打翻一船人对应英文:A pole knocked over the boat

同理,就像女人说你们男人都不是个东西。一样的道理!对应英文:Similarly, like the woman said you men are not a thing. The same reason!

一概而论对应英文:Lump together

大概意思你一个人不能害不所有人.对应英文:Probably means you one cannot harm is not all

一竿子打翻一船人 以小人之心度君子之腹 或 ...对应英文:A pole knocked over a person with heart of small abdominal or...

所以,有些产品在网上的评价并不能说明宽带路由器的所有产品都是存在问题,我们不能一杆子打翻一船人。 原因三、设置造成路由器死机 我们知道,在使用宽带路由器产品的用...对应英文:So, some of the products in the online evaluation does not mean that all products broadband router are problems, we cannot be a pole knocked over the boat. Reason three, set by router crashes we know, in the use of broadband router products used...

当然这也只是一部分,有很多的女人还是很好的。也不能一杆子打翻一船人。对于这样的女人还是早点放弃的好。虽然说起容易做起难,但是你可以努力多工作,不去想她。这只...对应英文:Of course this is just one part, there are a lot of women is still very good. Also not a pole knocked over the boat. For such a woman is better to give up early. Although easier said than done, but you can work more, not to think about her. This only...

重庆人也有温柔的嘛,不要一杆子打翻一船人呀!!我也是重庆妹子呢,我的脾气还不错哦,呵呵!!对应英文:People also have gentle, not a pole knocked over the boat!! I also Chongqing sister, my temper is good Oh, ha ha!!

毕业之后有什么出路 因为你看到的都是些不读书的,读书的都在宿舍图书馆里呢,不能因为这样就说大学里都是些不读书的,有一杆子打翻一船人的嫌疑哦~~~呵呵对应英文:After graduation, what way out because you see are not reading, reading in the library are in the dormitory, not because it is said in the university are not reading, a pole knocked over a person suspected Oh ~ ~ ~ ha ha

所以,有些产品在网上的评价并不能说明宽带路由器的所有产品都是存在问题,我们不能一杆子打翻一船人。 、用户技术水平有限,设置不当造成的死机掉线问题 我们知道,在使...对应英文:So, some of the products in the online evaluation does not mean that all products broadband router are problems, we cannot be a pole knocked over the boat. The user level, Technology Co., crashes dropped problems caused by improper settings we know, in the...

但是我不想一杆子打翻一船人 不想因为你这一颗肮脏老鼠屎坏了你们老家所有的人 但是你的行为幼稚到了极点 跟你这种没爹妈没教养的人不用客气 其实我只想跟你说一句话...对应英文:But I don't want a pole knocked over a people do not want to because you're a filthy rat droppings bad your home all but your childish behavior to the extreme with you this not Diema uneducated man not polite but I just want to say a word with you...


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