

远水难救近火对应英文:Water afar quenches not fire

俗话说,远水难救近火,远亲不如近邻。这句话一点也不错。假设一个人住在大草原,突然着火了,他要么死要么赶快逃走,只有这两种选择,别无它法。第二种是(以我为例)爸爸住...对应英文:As the saying goes, far water does not put out near fire, than distant neighbors. This sentence is good. Suppose that a person lives in the prairie, suddenly caught fire, he either die or to escape, the only two choices, no law. The second is (in my case) dad lives...

远亲不如近邻对应英文:A far-off relative is not as helpful as a near neighbor

远水难救近火,远亲不如近邻对应英文:Far water does not put out near fire, than distant neighbors

远水难救近火比喻缓慢的救助不能解决眼前的急难。远亲不如近邻指遇有急难,远道的亲戚就不如近旁的邻居那样能及时帮助。都比喻慢的办法救不了急。对应英文:Far water does not put out near fire metaphor slow aid does not solve the immediate distress. Better is a neighbor to meet the need, our relatives as near neighbours to help. Use the slow way save worry.

【远水救不了近火】发音  ā ǐ ú ù ì ǒ解释  远处的水救不了近处的火。比喻慢的办法救...海水虽多,火必不灭矣,远水不救近火也。"示例  为今之计,...对应英文:[While the grass grows the horse starves] pronunciation ā ì Ji ù ì. Explain the distant small water can't put out near fire. Metaphor slow way to save... Although the sea water, the fire will not gone, far water does not put out near fire. Also. "The sample plan for today,...

应该是远亲不如近邻对应英文:Should be better is a neighbor

远水难救近火比喻缓慢的救助不能解决眼前的急难。 远亲不如近邻指遇有急难,远道的亲戚就不如近旁的邻居那样能及时帮助。 这两话强调的是救急。救急,讲究的是时间,...对应英文:Far water does not put out near fire metaphor slow aid does not solve the immediate distress. Better is a neighbor to meet the need, our relatives as near neighbours to help. The two emphasis of emergency. Emergency, is about time,...

俗话说"远水难救近火,远亲不如近邻。"《南史·吕僧珍》载"南康郡守季雅的官被罢掉后,他买下了吕僧珍院旁的一所住宅。吕僧珍问及住宅的价格,季雅回答说'一千一百万钱...对应英文:As the saying goes "far water does not put out near fire, than distant neighbors. "" Southern Dynasties Lv Sengzhen "load" Nankang County season, officer was let off, he bought a house and Jane by the courtyard. Lv Sengzhen asked about housing prices, Giay answered 'eleven million money...

中,如果邻里邻居的互相帮衬一下,又麻烦的时候也好办事不是但有的时候,自己家的亲戚离得很远,又不经常联系,那岂不就是生分了么 如果遇到点什么事情,互相帮衬陈的邻居...对应英文:If the neighborhood, mutual care, time and trouble or do not but sometimes, their relatives far away, and not in regular contact, it would mean that the student what if encountered what things, mutual care of Chen's neighbors...

远处的水难以救近处的火,这句话强调的是救急!远亲不如近邻指遇有急难,远道的亲戚就不如近旁的邻居那样能及时帮助。表示邻里之间关系亲厚。是一句让人感到温暖的一句常...对应英文:Distant water cannot save near fire, it is an emergency! Better is a neighbor to meet the need, our relatives as near neighbours to help. The relationship between the thickness of said dear neighbourhood. Is a warm one...


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