

宰相肚里好撑船,拼为zǎi xiàng dù lǐ hǎo chēng chuán ,指谀人肚量大。成语出处:清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》。


zǎi xiàng dù lǐ hǎo chēng chuán







宰相肚里能撑船,将军额头能跑马.对应英文:Prime Minister belly, general forehead can happy

大人莫见小人怪,宰相肚里能撑船。" 王安石见状,马上心软了。非但没有责怪两人,还赠银两让二人成亲。事情传开后,大家都夸赞王安石宽宏大量,从此,"宰相肚里能撑船"成为...对应英文:Adults don't see a strange, broad-minded. "Wang Anshi looked at, immediately softened. Not to blame two people, also donated money to let two people get married. Spread things, everyone praised Wang Anshi be kind and generous, since then, "prime minister belly" to become...

宰相肚里能乘船! 穷在大街无人理,富在深山有远亲! 人处世的智慧之一就是宽容他人。宽容别人方能建立起良好..."将军额上能跑马,宰相肚里能撑船。"蔺相如位尊人上,廉颇不服...对应英文:Prime minister goes to the boat! Poor in the streets deserted, rich in a distant mountain! Life is one of the wise forgive others. Tolerance of others can build good... "General forehead can happy, broad-minded. "Lin a statue, Lianpo not...

典故"宰相肚里能撑船"的来历 宋朝宰相王安石中年丧妻,后来续娶了一个妾叫姣娘。姣娘年方十八,出身名门,长得闭月羞花,琴棋书画无所不通。婚后,王安石身为宰相,整天忙于...对应英文:Allusions "prime minister belly" the origin of the prime minister Wang Anshi middle-aged wife, later continued married a concubine named to. To eighteen years of age, the well born, grow her fancies of men of letters, all. After marriage, Wang Anshi as prime minister, was busy all day...

说八月中秋月儿圆,小厨知罪跪桌前,大人不把小人怪,宰相肚里能撑船。" 彩玉见事情已经挑明,也连忙跪倒在地,说中秋良霄月偏西,十八妙龄伴古稀,相爷若肯抬贵手,粉团刚好...对应英文:August mid autumn moon round, small kitchen sin on table, adults do not have a strange, broad-minded. "Color jade see things has been clear, also hurriedly kneel on the ground, said Liang Xiao month of Mid Autumn Festival, eighteen years old with age, phase the ye will raise your hand, dough just...

这是为什么呢" 理发师忙解释说"人们常说,宰相肚里能撑船,我看大人的肚皮并不大,怎能撑船呢"宰相一听理发师这么说,哈哈大笑"那是宰相的气量最大,对一些小事情,都能...对应英文:This is why "the barber busy explained that" people often say, broad-minded, I see adults belly is not big, how can punt. "The prime minister to the barber said, laughing." that was the prime minister's volume was maximum, for some small things, can...

你说这话够一年,大人莫见小人怪,宰相肚里能撑船。"王安石细细一想,自己年已花甲,姣娘正值弱冠年华,偷情之事不能全怪她,还是来个两全其美吧。过了中秋节,王安石赠给姣...对应英文:You say that a year, adults don't see people blame, broad-minded. "Wang Anshi makes a wish, his 60 years later, to positive, love affair. She's not entirely to blame, or to satisfy both sides. The Mid Autumn Festival, Wang Anshi to jiao...

应该是羊肖吧对应英文:Should be the sheep Shaw

王安石对应英文:Wang Anshi

要有一个宽容和博大的思想吧,如果宰相每天都要去记得一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事,那不得累死,所以凡事能够看开些,不要斤斤计较,才会干成大事吧!对应英文:To have a tolerance and broad mind, if the prime minister every day to remember some trifles, that shall not be exhausted, so we can face it, not square accounts in every detail, can do things!


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