

占有一席之地对应英文:Occupy a space for one person

美国人民理所当然的也应该在这个辩论中占有一席之地。对应英文:American behoove should also occupy a space for one person people in this debate.

但只要中国一直购买任何澳大利亚能从地下挖掘出来的东西,律师、咨询师和银行家就能在圆桌会议上占有一席之地。对应英文:But as long as Chinese always buy any Australia can dig out of the ground, lawyers, consultants and bankers will occupy a space for one person in the round table conference.

但这种塑料太阳能技术想要在市场上占有一席之地,还有很多问题需要解决。对应英文:But this kind of plastic solar technology to occupy a space for one person in the market, there are many problems to be solved.

但只要中国一直购买任何澳大利亚能从地下挖掘出来的东西,律师、咨询师和银行家就能在圆桌会议上占有一席之地。对应英文:But as long as Chinese always buy any Australia can dig out of the ground, lawyers, consultants and bankers will occupy a space for one person in the round table conference.

但是这个国家中央银行的负责人安德烈斯.利普斯托克,现在却可以在欧洲中央银行的权威委员会里占有一席之地了。对应英文:But the country's central bank chief Andreas lipstok, now occupies a space for one person in authority may commission of the European Central Bank.

但这种塑料太阳能技术想要在市场上占有一席之地,还有很多问题需要解决。对应英文:But this kind of plastic solar technology to occupy a space for one person in the market, there are many problems to be solved.

所以,当我回顾2011年的最新安卓产品时,认为它们值得在榜单上占有一席之地的话便会将它们加入排行榜,然后将其他机型置底或者移出排行榜。对应英文:So, when I look back on 2011 the Xin'an Zhuo products occupy a space for one person, that they should be on the list. These will be joining the list, and then type the other down or off the list.

是的,是的,这样一次冒险是该在这位强盗国王一生的善恶大事中占有一席之地的。对应英文:Yes, yes, this is an adventure has a space for one person in the bandit king of good and evil things in life.

当经济实力转化成政治影响力,中国在超级大国的高端会议中已经占有一席之地,例如上周在戛纳举行的20国峰会。对应英文:When the economic strength into political influence, Chinese has a space for one person in the super high-end conference held in Cannes last week, for example, the 20 summit.

埃克森的业务几乎遍布世界各个角落,似乎在新项目出现时总能占有一席之地。对应英文:Exxon operations in nearly every corner of the world, seems to always occupy a space for one person in new projects.

印度正在成为一个大国,应当在世界大国之中占有一席之地。对应英文:India is becoming a big country, should occupy a space for one person in the world.

他巧妙地将自己描绘为一个民粹主义捍卫者,能让投资规模较小的投资者在这个世界中占有一席之地。对应英文:He skillfully portrayed himself as a populist defenders, allow small investors to occupy a space for one person in the world.

最后,有的怀旧照片是独一无二的;这种独特性已然经受了时间的考验,因而值得在伟大的摄影遗产殿堂里占有一席之地。对应英文:Finally, some nostalgic photos is the one and only; this uniqueness has withstood the test of time, and therefore deserves a space for one person in the hall of the greatest photography legacy.

事实上所有的蔬菜都应该在这份超级食物清单上占有一席之地,而十字花科蔬菜,像花椰菜,可以帮助我们有效预防心脏病和癌症。对应英文:In fact all vegetables should occupy a space for one person in the super foods list, and cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, can help prevent heart disease and cancer.

尽管速战速决在夫妻生活中总占有一席之地,但真正的极品性爱必须要伴以迷情的前戏。对应英文:Although a total share a space for one person in the married life, but the real gourmet sex must be accompanied by lots and lots of foreplay.

以下七个尽心挑选的行业不仅仅在目前的经济格局中占有一席之地,发展前景也极具潜力。对应英文:The following seven well chosen not only occupy a space for one person industry in the current economic situation, the development prospect of potential.

俄式沙拉,通常叫做奥利维尔沙拉,亘久的在俄国人的餐桌上占有一席之地。对应英文:Russian salad, usually called Olivier Sarah, occupy a space for one person for a long time through the Russian table.

恶人也应在美术馆中占有一席之地,在这个事例中,是他们在法庭中的漫长时光。对应英文:The wicked shall also occupy a space for one person in the gallery, in this case, they are in the court in a long time.

它对性持赞成态度——前提只要在婚姻的基础上性占有一席之地。对应英文:It holds the approval manner -- as long as the marriage on the basis of sex that has a space for one person to.

然而,还有一些真正特别的车,它们在刚出产的时候销售情况惨淡,但是随着时光流逝,几十年过去了,却能够在汽车收集者,尤其是那些具备幽默感的发烧友心中占有一席之地。对应英文:However, there are some really special car, their sales bleak just in time production, but with the passage of time, over the past few decades, can in the car collectors, especially those with a sense of humor of the fancier heart occupies a space for one person.

尽管这部小说最初出版曾遭拒绝,但小说和书中聪明伶俐的女主角,已在英国文学的伟大经典作品 中占有一席之地。对应英文:Although the novel was initially rejected for publication, but be clever and sensible novels and the heroine of the book, has occupied a space for one person in the great classics of English literature.

埃特纳火山在罗马神话中占有一席之地。 它是火与锻冶之神的熔炉。对应英文:Occupy a space for one person in Rome Etna volcano mythology. It is the God of fire and metal furnace.

总之,这种应用服务器已经展现出对 J2EE 标准健壮的支持,以后一定会在中小型企业 IT 项目中占有一席之地。对应英文:In short, the application server has demonstrated robust support for J2EE standards, occupy a space for one person will be in the small and medium enterprises in the IT project.

显然他们想得到可观的投资回报,此外作为发起者,他们还想要在你的公司董事会占有一席之地。对应英文:Apparently they wanted to get a substantial return on investment, in addition as the initiator, they also want to occupy a space for one person in your company directors.

例如,许多非洲的国家,慢慢在世界大舞台上占有一席之地。对应英文:For example, many Africa country, occupy a space for one person slowly on the world stage.


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