


关汉卿的《窦娥冤》 窦娥自幼丧母,结婚后不久,丈夫病故,两代孀居,婆媳两人相依为命,生活十分贫苦。一天,蔡婆去找赛芦医索债,赛芦医谋财害命,蔡婆被当地恶棍张驴儿所救...对应英文:Had lost his mother Guan Hanqing's "Dou E." Dou E, shortly after marriage, the husband died, the two generation of a widowed mother, two sisters, very poor life. One day, Cai Po to match Lu Yi Dun, Sai Lu medicine for his money, Cai Po was rescued by local thugs Zhang Lver...

《窦娥冤》的故事发生在元朝 元朝 。《窦娥冤》的故事主要是讲叙了 窦娥自幼丧母,结婚后不久,丈夫病故,两代孀居,婆媳两人相依为命,生活十分贫苦。一天,蔡婆去找赛芦医...对应英文:"Dou eyuan" story in the yuan dynasty. "Dou E case" story is primarily told Dou E had lost his mother, soon after the marriage, the husband died, the two generation of a widowed mother, two sisters, very poor life. One day, Cai Po Lu medicine to match...

《窦娥冤》,元代杂剧,关汉卿撰,也是元杂剧四大悲剧之一。它通过窦娥含冤而死的故事真实而深刻地反映了当时的社会现实。剧中的穷秀才窦天章因借了蔡婆婆二十两银子,...对应英文:"Dou", written by Guan Hanqing of the Yuan Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, is one of the four great tragedies. The Dou died story truly and deeply reflect the social reality of that time. The poor scholar Dou Tianzhang has borrowed Cai mother-in-law twenty-two silver,...

住在一起了,这样的同学和朋友不要有什么关系要来做什么害你们 第三、如果他们还不明了,赶快报警,越快越好。 第四、这是关键的一点,就是证据,怎么证明你们有看管这...对应英文:Live together, so that the classmates and friends do not have what relation to do what the third of you, if they remain unclear, quickly alarm, the sooner the better. Fourth, this is a point, the key is evidence, how to prove that you have to take care of this...

窦娥自幼丧母,结婚后不久,丈夫病故,两代孀居,婆媳两人相依为命,生活十分贫苦。一天,蔡婆去找赛芦医索债,赛芦医谋财害命,蔡婆被当地恶棍张驴儿所救。'从此,张驴儿仗着自...对应英文:Had lost his mother Dou E, shortly after marriage, the husband died, the two generation of a widowed mother, two sisters, very poor life. One day, Cai Po to match Lu Yi Dun, Sai Lu medicine for his money, Cai Po was rescued by local thugs a donkey. 'from now on, a donkey by self...

马家军的历史就不多说了。当年的金牌教练。还有举世瞩目的世界冠军。当这样的两帮子人掐到一起了。都会为自己鸣不平。不过好在老马试途。曾经苦训东方神鹿的马教练说...对应英文:Ma history is not to say. The gold medal coach. There are remarkable world champion. When the two bunch pinched together. Will be aired his grievance. But the old horse trying. Once bitter training Oriental deer god horse coach said...

《窦娥冤》杂剧剧本,元代剧作家关汉卿著。   贫寒秀才窦天章上京求取功名,向寡妇蔡婆借贷盘缠。蔡婆早就...张驴儿反诬窦娥毒死公公,并威胁窦娥窦娥嫁给他为妻,不然要去...对应英文:"Dou eyuan" drama script, the Yuan Dynasty dramatist Guan Hanqing. The poor scholar sinus Tianzhang to seek fame, to the widow Cai Po borrowing money. Cai Pozao had... A donkey anti rat poison and the threat of Dou E father-in-law, Dou Dou to marry his wife, or to go to...

窦娥冤 关汉卿 元代【自读提示】 著名悲剧《窦娥冤》,全名《感天动地窦娥冤》,是关汉卿的代表作之一。主要情节是元代穷苦书生窦天章要进京赶考,因欠下蔡婆的高利贷,...对应英文:Dou eyuan Guan Hanqing Yuan Dynasty [read] that famous tragedy "dou eyuan", this name "dou", is one of the representative works of Guan Hanqing. The main plot is the poor scholar Dou Tianzhang to Beijing, Cai Po because owe usury,...

穷书生窦天章的女儿窦娥自小卖给蔡婆家做童养媳,婚后不久,丈夫去世,婆媳相依为命。流氓张驴儿意图占有窦娥被拒,威胁毒死蔡婆,却不料误杀自己的父亲。而后为逃脱罪责,...对应英文:The poor scholar Dou Tianzhang's daughter Dou E was sold to Cai Pojia as a child bride, shortly after the marriage, her husband died, old woman daughter-in-law. Zhang rogue donkey possession with intent to kill Cai Po Dou, threat, but was killed his own father. And then for the escape,...

《窦娥冤》是元朝关汉卿的戏曲剧本,女主角"窦娥"是普通民女,因家境贫穷,父亲就把她卖给一名婆婆当童养媳,过门没两年,丈夫患病死了,窦娥只好与婆婆相依为命,一天被流氓...对应英文:"Dou E case" is the Guan Hanqing's opera drama, the heroine "Dou E" is the ordinary woman, because the family was poor, he was sold to a woman when the bride came, not two years, her husband became ill and died, Dou E had to and her together, one day be rogue...


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