

秤砣虽小压千斤对应英文:Pressure one thousand jins weight is small
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    chèng tuó suī xiǎo yā qiān jīn
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秤砣虽然小,但是它的动力臂大于阻力臂所以可以小于对应英文:The weight is small, but it is more than a resistance arm power arm can be less than

秤砣虽小压千斤 è ó ī ǎ ā ā ī 〖解释〗秤砣看来一小块却能压住千斤之重。比喻外表虽不引人注目,实际很起作用。 〖出处〗明·吴承恩《西游记》三...对应英文:A small pressure jack è ó h ǎ ā ā ī on the interpretation seems a bit weight may hold down weight. Metaphor is not attract sb.'s attention appearance, actually play a role. "The source" Ming Wu Chengen "journey to the west" three...

用代数式表示为 秤砣要想压起重的物体,为了省力,就应该用秤砣所在的动力臂比要比重的物体的阻力臂要长的,因为秤砣的重量远远小于千斤重的物体,为了满足杠杆...对应英文:By using algebraic representation is used to pressure lifting objects, in order to labor, should the power arm with weight is longer than a resistance arm than the object, because the weight is far less than the thousand catties of heavy objects, in order to meet the lever...

亦称"杠杆平衡条件"。要使杠杆平衡,作用在杠杆上的两个力(动力点、支点和阻力点)的大小跟它们的力臂或反比。动力×动力臂阻力×阻力臂,用代数式表示为 。式中...对应英文:Also known as the "lever balance condition". To make the lever, the two forces on the lever (power point, support and resistance points) size with their arm or inverse. Dynamic * power arm resistance * resistance arm, using algebraic representation for. Type in...

说明"即使蚂蚱也有旺季" 也就是说 不要自轻自贱 也不要听信那些势利小人的言语 再小的力量 只要能出现在适合的位置上 你自有你的价值对应英文:"Even if the Grasshopper had season" is not lower oneself also don't listen to those snobs speech the small force as long as the value you own your in a suitable position

秤砣虽小压千斤是利用杠杆原理来达到目的其道理指利用外界的因素来反击某种不合理现象 达到以小击大 效果明显的目的对应英文:A small pressure jack is the use of the lever principle to achieve the purpose of the truth refers to the use of external factors to counter some unreasonable phenomenon to small hit big effect to

要看从什么角度来说了,科学角度,杠杆原理没错。如果说从语言寓意来说"一件东西或一个人看起来虽然分量很轻,却能够起到很大的作用"这种说法也是对的。应试教育,追求的...对应英文:To see from what point of view, the scientific point of view, the lever principle. If the language meaning is "a thing or a person looks like very light in weight, but can play a big role in this statement is right". The exam oriented education, the pursuit of...

杠杆原理,四两拔千斤对应英文:The lever principle, four two Stubbs Flemingia

秤砣虽小能压千斤利用的杠杆原理。提绳相当于支点,秤盘相当于阻力点,秤砣相当于用力点,因为用力点到支点的距离大于用力点到支点的距离,所以是省力杠杆。对应英文:Principle of lever weight is small can pressure jack utilization. The lifting rope is equivalent to a fulcrum, the equivalent resistance, the equivalent force point, because the force point to point distance is greater than the force point to point distance, so it is a labor-saving lever.

你想,那么轻的秤砣,放在距离支点远的地方,就能平衡千斤重物,当然省力。对应英文:You want to, then the light weight, placed at a distance from the fulcrum far away, we can balance the thousand catties weight, of course, labor.

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