

疾雷不及掩耳对应英文:For ray less than their ears
发音:jí léi bù jí yǎn ěr 


冯梦龙 《东周列国志》第十六回)

原文"疾雷不及掩耳",此兵家成言,初非偶语,古今义士末有改之者。宋子京于《李靖传》乃易"疾雷"为"震霆",易"掩"为"塞",不惟失真,且其理亦不安矣。雷以其疾,故不及掩耳...对应英文:The original "disease mine ears", the military into words, initial non even language, and at the end of the 'change. Song Zijing in "Li Jing Chuan" is easy "thunder" to "held by the earthquake", to "Mask" to "plug", not only the distortion, and the manager also uneasy. The thunder to the disease, so the ears...

"疾雷不及掩耳",这是军事上的格言,一开始就不是偶然提出的,古今的有志之士从没有改动过它。宋子京在《李靖传》把"疾雷"改成"震霆",把"掩"改为"塞",不单单失去了这句话...对应英文:"Disease mine ears", this is the military's motto, the beginning is not accidental proposed, a person of noble aspirations and never change it. Song Zijing in the "Li Jing Chuan" to "thunder" into "held by the earthquake", the "Mask" to "plug", not only lost the words...

、、、答(这)从一开始就不是随便结合的词语,从古至今还没有能改变它的人。答艺术创作源于生活。离开生活空谈创作,作品也就失去生命力。(仅供参考)对应英文:,,, a (the) from the start not with words, since ancient times is not able to change it. A creation of art comes from life. Leave life empty creation, works also will lose its vitality. (for reference only)

原文是"疾雷不及掩耳",此兵家成言,初非偶语,古今义士末有改之者。翻译"疾雷不及掩耳",这是军事上的格言,一开始就不是偶然提出的,古今的有志之士从没有改动过它。对应英文:The original is "disease mine ears", the military into words, initial non even language, and at the end of the 'change. Translation "disease mine ears", this is the military's motto, the beginning is not accidental proposed, a person of noble aspirations and never change it.

眼疾手快 风驰电掣 手疾眼快 疾足先得 疾走先得 疾雨暴风 疾如旋踵 疾如雷电 疾雷不暇掩耳 疾雷不及掩耳 疾雷不及塞耳 疾风骤雨 疾风甚雨 疾风劲草 疾风暴雨 风驰电掣...对应英文:The swift-footed get the most quick of eye and deft of hand eye go by like the wind Jizouxiande Jiyubaofeng change rapidly at an extreme speed thunder time mask ear disease mine ears disease mine ear plug rain to heavy rain and wind See Spot Run violent storm go by like the wind...

比喻来势凶猛,使人来不及防备。 【出自】《六韬·龙韬·军势》"疾雷不及掩耳,迅电不及瞑目。" 【示例】因此我给他个~的突然袭击,一口把他吃掉,是完全有可能的。 【...对应英文:Analogy ferocious, so too late to prepare. [from] "Six Arts Dragon Tao · Legion" "disease mine ears, XUNDIAN than you. "[example] so I gave him a ~ surprise attack, bite him eat, it is completely possible. [...

《六韬·龙韬·军势》"疾雷不及掩耳,迅电不及瞑目。"对应英文:"Six Arts Dragon Tao · Legion" "disease mine ears, XUNDIAN than you. "

比喻来势凶猛,使人来不及防备。 【出处】《六韬·龙韬·军势》"疾雷不及掩耳,迅电不及瞑目。" 【拼音】ù é ù í ǎ ě 【拼音码】 【近义词】出其不意 ...对应英文:Analogy ferocious, so too late to prepare. [source] "Six Arts Dragon Tao · Legion" "disease mine ears, XUNDIAN than you. "[phonetic] ù é ù í ǎ ě [] [] by surprise: the phonetic code...

比喻来势凶猛,使人来不及防备。 〖出处〗《六韬·龙韬·军势》"疾雷不及掩耳,迅电不及瞑目。" 〖示例〗因此我给他个~的突然袭击,一口把他吃掉,是完全有可能的。 ★曲波...对应英文:Analogy ferocious, so too late to prepare. "The source" "Six Arts Dragon Tao · Legion" "disease mine ears, XUNDIAN than you. "" example "so I gave him a ~ surprise attack, bite him eat, it is completely possible. ★ Qu Bo...

疾雷不及掩耳,迅电不及瞑目。出自《六韬·龙韬·军势》 意义雷声来得非常快,连捂耳朵都来不及。比喻来势凶猛,使人来不及防备。故事 东汉末年,曹操进攻黄河流域的...对应英文:Disease mine ears, XUNDIAN than you. From the "Six Arts Dragon Tao · Legion" meaning thunder came very fast, even his ears are not. Analogy ferocious, so too late to prepare. Story of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao offensive in the Yellow River basin...

俗语疾雷不及掩耳jí léi bù jí yǎn ěr是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/721.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

“疾雷不及掩耳 ”此兵家成言,初非偶语,古今文士未有改之者。宋子京于《李靖传》乃易“疾雷”为“震 霆”,易“掩”为“塞”,不惟失真,且其理亦不安矣。雷以其疾,故不及掩耳,而何取 于震?掩且不及,复 何暇塞哉!此所谓 欲益反弊者也。 (节选自《 滹南遗老集》 译文:“疾雷不及掩耳”,这是军事上的格言,一开始就不是随便结合的词语,古今的文人从没有改动过它。宋子京在《李靖传》把“疾雷”改成“ 震霆”,把“掩”改为“塞”,不单单失去了这句话的真意,而且在道理上也 说不过去。雷声音为迅疾,所以来不及捂上耳朵,但和“震”有什么关系?捂耳朵尚且来不及,还有什么空去塞上耳朵?这就是所谓的想改进它却反而改出毛病了。 释义 偶语:随便结合的词语 宋子京:即 宋祁,宋朝 史学家 乃:却 安:妥当

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