

鹿死不择音对应英文:Deer death choose sound

同鹿死不择音 比喻只求能够安身,并不选择地方。 指庇荫的地方。 音,通"阴"。鹿到了快要死的时候,不选 择庇荫的地方。比喻只求安身,不择处所。亦比喻情况危急,无法慎重...对应英文:The deer died not choose sound analogy for refuge, do not choose the place. The shaded place. Tone, "yin". The deer when dying, choose not to do. Metaphor for shelter, do not choose the place. Also metaphor in critical condition, not careful...

比喻极难得到音信、言论或来访。 鹿死不择音 (ù ǐ ù é ī) 比喻只求能够安身,并不选择地方。 靡靡之音 (ǐ ǐ ī ī) 靡靡柔弱,萎靡不振。使人萎靡不振的...对应英文:Extremely difficult to get information, figurative speech or visit. The deer died not choose sound (ù ì Ji ù é ī) metaphor for refuge, do not choose the place. Demoralizing tune (ì Ji ì Ji ī ī) decadance weak, cachexia. The cachexia...

(清·纪昀《阅微草堂笔记》卷十七) 鹿死不择音 典故 比喻只求能够安身,并不选择地方。 出处 《左传·文公十七年》"'鹿死不择音。'小国之事大国也,德,则其人也不德,...对应英文:(Qing Ji Yun "notes of Yuewei cottage" volume seventeen) deer died not choose sound allusions analogy for refuge, do not choose the place. The source "Zuo Wen Gong seventeen years" "'deer died not choose. 'the small things big powers, Germany, is the person is not de,...

鹿死谁手 鹿驯豕暴 鹿走苏台 鹿死不择音 鹿死不择荫 鹿车共挽 鹿皮苍璧 鹿裘不完 包含"鹿"的成语 中原逐鹿 指鹿为马 鹿死谁手 鹿驯豕暴 逐鹿中原 覆鹿寻蕉 即鹿无...对应英文:The winner Luxunshibao Luzousutai deer died not choose sound deer died not choose shade Luchegongwan Lupicangbi Luqiubuwan contains "deer" idiom deliberately misrepresent the outcome Luxunshibao fight for territory in ancient Central China fight among rivals for the throne Fuluxunqiao that deer are no...

古人有言说畏首畏尾,身其余几(怕头怕尾,剩下来的身子还有多少)又说鹿死不择音(鹿到临死前顾不上发出好听的鸣声)。小国事奉大国,如果大国以德相待,那它就会像人一样...对应英文:The speech be overcautious, the rest few (be afraid of afraid tail, the rest of the body and how much) and deer died not choose sound (deer to before his death did not issue a nice song). Small state in the country, if the country with virtue treat, it will be like a man...

" 意思比喻检朴节俭。 鹿死不择音ù ǐ ù é ī出处《左传·文公十七年》"'鹿死不择音。'小国之事大国也,德,则其人也不德,则其鹿也。铤而走险,急何能择。" 意思...对应英文:"Meaning metaphor economically thrift. The deer died not choose sound ù ì Ji ù é ī provenance "Zuo Wen Gong seventeen years" "'deer died not choose. 'the small things big powers, Germany, is the person is not de, the deer. Rush into danger, anxious can choose. Meaning.

形容小心警惕的样子。 【鹿皮苍璧】形容本末不相称。 【鹿裘不完】比喻检朴节俭。 【鹿死不择音】指庇荫的地方。音,通"荫"。比喻只求安身,不择处所。亦比喻情况危急,...对应英文:Describe the wary. [] describe the ins and outs of disproportionate Lupicangbi. [] Luqiubuwan metaphor economically thrift. [deer died not choose sound] to shade place. Tone, "yin". Metaphor for shelter, do not choose the place. Also metaphor in critical condition,...

标枝野鹿 铤鹿走险 覆鹿寻蕉 共挽鹿车 鸿案鹿车 即鹿无虞 鹿车共挽 鹿皮苍璧 鹿裘不完 鹿死不择音 鹿死不择荫 鹿死谁手 鹿驯豕暴 鹿走苏台 马鹿异形 马鹿易形 秦失其...对应英文:Biaozhiyelu Tingluzouxian Fuluxunqiao Gongwanluche Honganluche Jiluwuyu Luchegongwan Lupicangbi Luqiubuwan deer died not choose sound deer died not choose shade the outcome Luxunshibao Luzousutai confuse truth and falsehood to Qin lost its...

枯木死灰 客死他乡 老而不死 老而不死是为贼 乐而忘死 老死不相往来 鹿死不择音 鹿死不择荫 鹿死谁手 民不畏死 面如死灰 面若死灰 昧死以闻 宁死不屈 宁死不辱 你死我...对应英文:Dead-alive die in a strange land old but deadless The old without morality is hateful. Leerwangsi never in contact with deer died not choose sound deer died not choose shadow happens fear no death The face turned ashy. surface if dying embers Meisiyiwen you die I die rather than submit death before dishonour...

决一死战 枯木死灰 客死他乡 老而不死 老而不死是为贼 乐而忘死 老死不相往来 鹿死不择音 鹿死不择荫 鹿死谁手 民不畏死 面如死灰 面若死灰 昧死以闻 宁死不屈 宁死不...对应英文:Wage a life-and-death struggle dead-alive die in a strange land old but deadless The old without morality is hateful. Leerwangsi never in contact with deer died not choose sound deer died not choose shadow happens fear no death The face turned ashy. surface if dying embers Meisiyiwen die rather than submit would rather die than...


 先秦·左丘明《左传·文公十七年》:“‘鹿死不择音。’小国之事大国也,德,则其人也;不德,则其鹿也。铤而走险,急何能择。” 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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